Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10)

Arcade 1989 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Platform Fighter Scrolling
PlayChoice-10 version. For more information about the game itself, please see the original NES version.
Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • cart N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • DAC
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10)

Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) - Screen 1
Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) - Screen 2
Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) - Screen 3
Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) - Screen 4
Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) - Screen 5

Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) et M.A.M.E.

0.37b6 [Ernesto Corvi]

- 0.88u2: Changed description to 'Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10)'.
- 0.37b6: Ernesto Corvi added 'PlayChoice-10: Ninja Gaiden' (Tecmo (Nintendo of America License) 1989). Known issues: After the attract mode it displays a black screen. Game works fine tho. Normal behaviour?. Bad rom?.
- 4th August 2000: Ernesto Corvi sent in a fully working Playchoice 10 driver with support for Excite Bike, Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Pro Wrestling, Rush N' Attack, Contra, The Goonies, Ninja Gaiden and Super Mario Bros 3.

- Join the adventure of young Ryu Hayabusa as he attempts to avenge his father!

- Use A to jump and use B to thrust sword.
- Thrust sword at hanging item to find ninja weapons. CONTROL UP + B to use weapon.
- When clinging to wall: CONTROL away from wall + A.
- To bypass Cinama Diplay: Press START button

Romset: 265 kb / 4 files / 136.0 zip
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