Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
Télécharger Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu I386 (@ 25 Mhz)
- soundcpu Z80 (@ 7 Mhz)
- YMF271 (@ 16 Mhz)
- Orientation Tate
- Resolution 255 x 240
- Frequency 54 Hz
- Number of players 2
- Number of buttons 3
- Kind of controler joy (8 ways)
Videos of Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
Raiden Fighters - USVersion2loops ALL
jammaplay - 10 view(s)
Raiden Fighters - USVersion2loops ALL
by Twiddle
Raiden Fighters - Normal Difficulty All
jammaplay - 6 view(s)
Raiden Fighters - Normal Difficulty All
by YCW

Clones of Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
If you liked Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
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- Zing Zing Zip
Tips on Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
* Slave Ship : Select any ship, if the ship is on top, hold Up and if the ship is on the bottom, hold Down. Then press Start+Fire+Bomb at the same time to unlock the Slave ship. The ship's speed depends on what ship you're using.
Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1) and M.A.M.E.
0.81 [Ville Linde]
Artwork available
- 0.139u2: Anondumper added clone Raiden Fighters (Asia, Metrotainment Network license, SPI). Changed description of clone 'Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license)' to 'Raiden Fighters (Asia, Dream Island Co., LTD. license, SPI)'. Renamed (rdftdi) to (rdftadi).
- 26th July 2008: Mr. Do - Funny story. Tormod sent me a BUNCH of instruction cards a long time ago. You've probably been seeing them added in every so often. Well, around July of last year, I had completed a whole bunch of them, but then had a computer crash, and they ended up on the "spare" hard drive by mistake. I found them again going through a cleanup. So thanks to Tormod, this week we have Raiden Fighters.
- 0.123u5: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Austria).
- 9th March 2008: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Austria).
- 0.118u3: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Italy).
- 22nd August 2007: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Italy).
- 0.97u3: Chris Hardy added clone Raiden Fighters (US). Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license).
- 25th June 2005: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license).
- 0.93u2: Added clone Raiden Fighters (Japan set 2). Changed parent description to 'Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)'.
- 0.93: Nicola Salmoria decrypted the graphics in all SPI games. Raiden Fighters is now playable.
- 0.92u1: Changed description to 'Raiden Fighters (Japan)'.
- 0.88u2: Added clone Raiden Fighters (Australia). Renamed (raidnfgt) to (rdft).
- 0.81u6: Ville Linde found and fixed bugs in several i386 shift/rotate instructions. This corrects the bosses in Raiden Fighters.
- 0.81u4: Ville Linde updated the i386 core and the SPI driver. Raiden Fighters now runs normally and correctly through attract mode and gameplay, modulo the encrypted graphics. Still kinda mesmerizing. R. Belmont hooked up the Z80 bankswitching, so sound started playing in some games (notably Raiden Fighters). Changed region sound2 to sound1 ($200000).
- 0.81: Ville Linde added Raiden Fighters (Seibu Kaihatsu 1996). I386 CPU core [Ville Linde].
- 24th June 2002: Guru - Got a Raiden Fighters (Seibu 1996) board from Mr F.
Romset: 23232 kb / 16 files / 10.5 zip
Artwork available
- 0.139u2: Anondumper added clone Raiden Fighters (Asia, Metrotainment Network license, SPI). Changed description of clone 'Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license)' to 'Raiden Fighters (Asia, Dream Island Co., LTD. license, SPI)'. Renamed (rdftdi) to (rdftadi).
- 26th July 2008: Mr. Do - Funny story. Tormod sent me a BUNCH of instruction cards a long time ago. You've probably been seeing them added in every so often. Well, around July of last year, I had completed a whole bunch of them, but then had a computer crash, and they ended up on the "spare" hard drive by mistake. I found them again going through a cleanup. So thanks to Tormod, this week we have Raiden Fighters.
- 0.123u5: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Austria).
- 9th March 2008: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Austria).
- 0.118u3: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Italy).
- 22nd August 2007: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Italy).
- 0.97u3: Chris Hardy added clone Raiden Fighters (US). Corrado Tomaselli added clone Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license).
- 25th June 2005: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Raiden Fighters (Dream Island Co. license).
- 0.93u2: Added clone Raiden Fighters (Japan set 2). Changed parent description to 'Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)'.
- 0.93: Nicola Salmoria decrypted the graphics in all SPI games. Raiden Fighters is now playable.
- 0.92u1: Changed description to 'Raiden Fighters (Japan)'.
- 0.88u2: Added clone Raiden Fighters (Australia). Renamed (raidnfgt) to (rdft).
- 0.81u6: Ville Linde found and fixed bugs in several i386 shift/rotate instructions. This corrects the bosses in Raiden Fighters.
- 0.81u4: Ville Linde updated the i386 core and the SPI driver. Raiden Fighters now runs normally and correctly through attract mode and gameplay, modulo the encrypted graphics. Still kinda mesmerizing. R. Belmont hooked up the Z80 bankswitching, so sound started playing in some games (notably Raiden Fighters). Changed region sound2 to sound1 ($200000).
- 0.81: Ville Linde added Raiden Fighters (Seibu Kaihatsu 1996). I386 CPU core [Ville Linde].
- 24th June 2002: Guru - Got a Raiden Fighters (Seibu 1996) board from Mr F.
Romset: 23232 kb / 16 files / 10.5 zip