Off the Wall (2/3-player upright)

Arcade 1991 Atari Games Breakout
Atari's superb variant on "Breakout" has up to 3 players bouncing balls, breaking bricks, and ultimately trying to get the ball into the exit. Also includes multiplayer 'bonus rounds' where players compete to be the last man standing in a "Pong" match.
Off the Wall (2/3-player upright)

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 7 Mhz)
  • jsa M6502 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 59.922743 Hz
  • Number of players 3
  • Number of buttons 4
  • Kind of controler
    1. joy (8 ways)
    2. joy (8 ways)

Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) Screenshots

Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) - Screen 1
Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) - Screen 2
Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) - Screen 3
Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) - Screen 4
Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) - Screen 5

Clones of Off the Wall (2/3-player upright)

Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) and M.A.M.E.

0.36b3 [Aaron Giles]

Artwork available

- offtwall, offtwalc: In "service" mode, the menu has lost its color. This makes it so you cannot see what selection is highlighted. Previous versions of MAME do not exhibit this problem. Darkk (ID 00784)

- 0.147u2: Initial round of atarigen cleanup/modernization [Aaron Giles].
- 0.146: hap fixed atarivc_eof tag and shortened playfield_upper(15 chars) tag to playfield_up.
- 0.139u3: Aaron Giles moved the old hard-coded EEPROM data out into a file in Off the Wall.
- 0.139u1: Aaron Giles changed atarigen_state to be a base class from which all the related Atari drivers derive their state from.
- 0.135u4: Some more Atari driver shuffling [Aaron Giles]: Added atarigen_init() function which allocates all timers and registers for save states. Updated all drivers to call it. Converted some drivers to use device timers.
- 0.135u3: Aaron Giles converted atari drivers over to using driver_data for the most part. Some shared systems still exist with globals, but this tackles the atarigen module and the variables local to each driver.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (offtwalc) to (offtwallc).
- 0.122u4: Changed M6502 CPU2 clock speed to 1789772 Hz and YM2151 to 3579545 Hz.
- 0.114u2: Aaron Giles and Couriersud added more accurate video timing to most of the Atari 68000-era games. The parameters are from published specs, not derived. The board uses a VAD chip to generate video signals. Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.
- 0.114: Couriersud added general save state support to the atarijsa and atarigen modules.
- 26th August 2006: Mr. Do - Added Off the Wall bezel from and Mean Arena. Some of these decent stuff are so-so; some are REALLY good.
- 0.97u4: David Haywood fixed Atari Audio Board II (sndhrdw\atarijsa.c) for games without OKI6295 sound.
- 0.95u3: Removed OKI6295 sound (because of the 0.93 Sound System update).
- 0.93: Added OKI6295 (9037Hz) sound.
- 0.37b15: Changed M6502 CPU2 clock speed to 1789500 and YM2151 to 3579000 Hz.
- 0.36RC1: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 7159090 Hz, M6502 CPU2 to 1789772 Hz and YM-2151 to 3579545 Hz.
- 0.36b5: Changed input to Dial. Added 'Controls' dipswitch.
- 6th September 1999: Aaron Giles sent in a huge Bally/Sente driver, with Chicken Shift, Gimme a Break, Goalie Hhost, Hat Trick, Mini Golf, Night Stocker, Off the Wall, Rescue Raider, Sente Diagnostics Cartridge, Snacks'n Jaxson, Stocker, Street Football, Toggle and Trivial Pursuit. There are still more games running on this hardware.
- 0.36b3: Aaron Giles added Off the Wall (2/3-player upright) (Atari Games 1991) and clone (2-player cocktail).
- 8th August 1999: Aaron Giles sent in a driver for Off the Wall.

Romset: 1092 kb / 10 files / 407.2 zip
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