
DonPachi - 25boss 01:31

DonPachi - 25boss

jammaplay - 10 vue(s)
DonPachi - 25boss by ZLK
Gradius - 739k To Stage27 32:55

Gradius - 739k To Stage27

jammaplay - 6 vue(s)
Gradius - 739k To Stage27 by Icarus
mr nutz7 11:13

mr nutz7

Yace - 3 vue(s)
R-Type Leo - All Clear No Miss 19:10

R-Type Leo - All Clear No Miss

jammaplay - 10 vue(s)
R-Type Leo - All Clear No Miss by BenShinobi
Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear 30:25

Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear

jammaplay - 6 vue(s)
Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear by Minan2DJ07
no miss 3 17:34

no miss 3

Yace - 1 vue(s)
tengai 2.5 18:35

tengai 2.5

BOS - 5 vue(s)
tengai 2.5
Giga Wing 2 - 1cc No Points 19:40

Giga Wing 2 - 1cc No Points

jammaplay - 3 vue(s)
Giga Wing 2 - 1cc No Points by VTFINO
court3 24:58


Yace - 0 vue(s)
Aero Fighters 2 - Stage10 Nomiss 02:31

Aero Fighters 2 - Stage10 Nomiss

jammaplay - 6 vue(s)
Aero Fighters 2 - Stage10 Nomiss by HyRyu
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