Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

Arcade 1982 bootleg Driving Race (chase view)
Pole Position is a 1-player game using a color raster-scan video display. Game action takes place at the Fuji Speedway in Japan. The country around the speedway consists of green meadows, hills, and snow-capped Mt. Fuji.

The player drives a Formula-1 race car on the track. The first objective of the game is to finish the qualifying lap as quickly as possible. If the player beats the clock, he qualifies for the race. If not, he drives out the remainder of his time along the qualifying course.

As a qualifier, the player is ranked according to his qualifying lap time, from the 1st (pole) position to the 8th. The second objective of the game is to race against the clock and other cars to finish the specified number of laps ('Nr. of Laps' dip switch setting; 3 laps is the default) of the race as fast as possible and to achieve the highest score possible. The player earns points for passing cars, driving on the track, and finishing the race with time remaining. He is rewarded with an extended-play lap for completing the first lap within a certain amount of time (depending on the 'Extended Rank' dip switch setting).

The game starts with the player's car behind the starting line and a certain amount of time, in seconds ('Game Time' dip switch setting; the default is 90 seconds), will be on the clock. The car must finish the qualifying lap within a certain amount of time (which varies depending on the 'Practice Rank' dip switch setting) to be in the race. If the player does not qualify, his car continues on the track until the 'Game Time' elapses.

If the player has qualified, just before the race begins, the player's car (flashing on the screen) is placed at the starting line with seven other cars. The position of the car depends on the position earned during the qualifying lap. (The player's car is always place at the 8th position in the attract mode.)

The starting lights flash from red to green, and the race begins. Racing hazards are other racing cars, sharp turns, road signs, and water puddles. (All of these hazards except for water puddles are also present on the qualifying lap.) As the race progresses, more cars appear on the track. If the player's car hits another car or a road sign, it is destroyed in an explosion. The player's car reappears in a few seconds and the race continues. Driving through water puddles or off the track slows down the player's car.

Racing into the first turn, the player must let up on the accelerator slightly to make the corner. Road signs flash along the side of the track. Depending on how well the player manipulates the controls, he can either roar through the hairpin turns like a champion or spin out in a flaming crash. He jockeys for position with the other racers, while keeping his eye on the clock at the top of the screen. When his time runs out, the race is over. If he has beaten the racing lap time and has seconds remaining, the remaining seconds are added to the extended lap time, which varies depending on the 'Extended Rank' dip switch setting.

The top score achieved by a player appears at the top of the screen. The time allotted for the lap is displayed under the top score. Increasing lap time (in seconds and hundredths of a second) and the speed of the car appears last.
Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

Partager Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)


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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • sub Z8002 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • sub2 Z8002 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • 51xx:mcu MB8843 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Namco (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Pole Position Custom
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60.606061 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 1
  • Type de contrôle
    1. pedal
    2. pedal

Screenshots de Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) - Screen 1
Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) - Screen 2
Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) - Screen 3
Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) - Screen 4
Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) - Screen 5

Les clones de Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

Scoring de Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

Points are scored for every foot of track driven.

At the end of the game, 50 points are scored for each car the driver passed.
Finishing the game awards 200 points for each second left on the timer.

Qualifying Lap Placement Bonus :
(Qualifying times vary depending on the 'Practice Rank' dip switch setting)
Pole Position (1st place) : 4000 points
2nd place : 2000 points
3rd place : 1400 points
4th place : 1000 points
5th place : 800 points
6th place : 600 points
7th place : 400 points
8th place : 200 points

Tips sur Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842)

* Hints for Game Play :
1) Avoid puddles and the sides of the track because these slow you down.
2) Accelerate before the green light appears, and stay ahead of other racers.
3) Drive to the inside of the track to make the corners.
4) Successful completion of a turn depends on braking skill.
5) Engine sound will cue the driver when to shift to high gear.
6) When sliding, steer into the skid.

* Instead of pressing down on the gas pedal for acceleration, placing your foot underneath the gas pedal and lifting the pedal up with your instep caused the car to go even faster.

Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842) et M.A.M.E.

0.79u1 [Nicola Salmoria]
0.36b14 [Aaron Giles]
0.36b11 [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi, Juergen Buchmueller]
0.35b9 [?]

Artwork available

- Pole Position was the first driving game to be based on a real circuit (Fuji).

- Playback of inp incorrect after a while. reesal (ID 04429)
- When you start with full gas in the Namco version you can hear the tyres screeching, in the Atari version not. Kold666 (ID 01114)

- 0.142u6: Convert Pole Position driver to MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS and scanline-based IRQ timing [Alex Jackson, O. Galibert]. This fixed bad game sound.
- 0.140u1: Derrick Renaud optimized speed of DISCRETE_DAC_R1.
- 6th September 2010: Mr. Do - Awhile back I added in built-in gear shifters for most of the driving games in MAME. But, I neglected to also add them to the external artwork for the games that had them. So go ahead and grab this LAY file update, which adds them in to the five driving games affected, plus also fixes the real artwork for both Pole Postions, which broke some time ago due to a source update.
- 0.139u1: Atari Ace removed global variables from NAMCO sound core.
- 0.138u4: Various improvements to Pole Position driver [Alex Jackson]: Corrected the way the steering wheel is hooked up, fixing the jittery steering in the sets with MCUs. Added a new layout file for the bootleg sets without MCUs (topracern and polepos2bi). Converted clock frequencies to crystal values from xtal.c. Added correct ROM names for the Namco-manufactured sets (polepos and polepos2). Completely removed the unused global variable polepos_gear_bit. Fixed a couple of bootleg ROMs that were very likely bit-rotted.
- 0.135u1: Added clone Top Racer (no MB8841 + MB8842). Removed clone Top Racer (set 2). Changed description of clones 'Top Racer (set 1)' to 'Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 1)' and 'Top Racer (set 3)' to 'Top Racer (with MB8841 + MB8842, set 2)'. Renamed (topracrb) to (topracera). David Haywood documented presence of Namco customs on the Pole Position bootleg (Top Racer) sets. Removed Namco devices from bootlegs which don't have them.
- 0.133u5: Couriersud fixed unable to find input port in clone Top Racer (set 2).
- 0.131u3: Aaron Giles changed the Namco 52xx and 53xx devices to run the actual MCU instead of simulating the behavior. Hooked them up properly in Pole Position. Added mirrors to Pole Position memory maps. Replaced audio Namco 52XX with 3x MB8843 (1536000 Hz) CPU4/5/6. Changed MB8844 CPU7 clock speed to 1536000 Hz.
- 0.130: Kevin Eshbach added placeholders for the two PAL's on Atari's version of Pole Position 1 and 2 (I could not read the last digit of the PAL at 5c.).
- 0.129u6: Mr. Do added built-in layouts for Pole Position.
- 0.129u4: Changed Custom sound to Pole Position Custom.
- 9th January 2009: Mr. Do - I almost missed a pretty cool update that just took place in 0.129 (which Aaron was kind enough to point me at). It seems that a few weeks back (specifically, 0.127u3), Nathan Woods updated things so that artwork can be hooked up to pretty much any input bit. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities (if you use your imagination). So anyway, Aaron took the first step, and added a basic built-in gearshifter to Pole Position and Pole Postion II. And since I already had the other pics done, it only took a couple minutes to hook up the external artwork. So go and redownload Pole Position I and II, and you'll now finally know what gear you're always in.
- 0.129: Aaron Giles added simple built-in layout for Pole Position showing the position of the shifter. Removed debug build hack to popmessage the shifter state.
- 0.126u4: Guru added README for Top Racer.
- 0.119u3: David Haywood added the rom loading for roms 51xx, 52xx and 53xx.bin, which are dumped but not yet hooked up.
- 0.118u5: Changed palettesize to 3840 colors.
- 0.118u2: Alex Jackson removed redundant hard-coded definitions for Pole Position pedals.
- 0.114u1: Replaced MB88xx CPU4 with MB8844.
- 18th February 2007: Mr. Do - Zorg's vector of the upright bezel for Pole Position is ready to go. I also included the graphics for the gearshift for Pole Position. Note that this won't work until the driver is updated. Also fixed the screen position on the cockpit bezel (finally got it, red!).
- 0.112u2: Replaced 3x DAC sound with Discrete.
- 0.112u1: Replaced implementation of Namco 54xx sound chip with new MB8844 CPU core running the original embedded ROM code. Removed old sound core. Pole Position and Bosconian no longer require samples as a result [Nicola Salmora, Ernesto Corvi, Guru]. Added MB88xx (256000 Hz) CPU4 with 1k rom 54xx.bin. Replaced Namco 54XX and Samples sound with 3x DAC sound.
- 26th November 2006: Mr. Do - We have a Pole Position Upright bezel, thanks to the loan by Vintage Arcade Superstore and cleanup by Ad_Enuff.
- 3rd September 2006: Mr. Do - Added vectorized the bezel version of Pole Position (Atari Cockpit) by Ad_Enuff.
- 0.97u1: Mamesick moved LO/HI gearshift display in Pole Position to debug-only build.
- 0.94u2: Derrick Renaud added proper watchdog to Pole Position.
- 0.90u3: Steve Ellenoff added clone Top Racer (set 3). Derrick Renaud added proper filters to Pole Position engine sound and proper filters to the Namco52 sample player of Bosconian, Galaga, Pole Position and Xevious. Adjusted relative effect volumes per schematics.
- 14th January 2005: Derrick Renaud - Added proper filters to engine sound. Also i am working on adding the proper filtering to the speech (Namco 52XX voice effects) of Pole Position. The final sound comes out of pin 14 of the LM324. R/C components and a op-amp affect the filtering.
- 0.90u2: Derrick Renaud updated the Namco 54XX noise sound and added the R/C values to Bosconian, Galaga, Pole Position and Xevious.
- 0.89u5: Jarek Burczynski improved the Namco 54XX Noise Generator (Type A and B emulated, type C algo still unknown). Removed pp2_17.wav sample.
- 0.87u4: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added clone Top Racer (set 2) (bootleg 1982). Changed description of clone 'Top Racer' to 'Top Racer (set 1)'.
- 0.79u1: Nicola Salmoria fixed various mistakes in the Pole Position ROM loading (missing one speech ROM and vertical scaling PROMs). Also sprite zooming should now be closer to the hardware. Added new cpu1 rom ($0 - Top Racer has same crc), missing gfx6 rom ($0) from Pole Position (Atari version 2), sound3 rom ($6000) from Pole Position II and 2x new prom ($1000, 1020). Changed Z80 CPU1 and Z8002 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz and added Namco 52XX and Namco 54XX sound.
- 0.76u2: Removed 2nd Player.
- 15th September 2002: Stephane Humbert fixed a small issue in the Pole Position MCU coinage handling.
- 0.37b12: Changed VSync to 60.606060Hz.
- 0.36b14: Aaron Giles added Pole Position (Namco 1982). Changed 'Pole Position (version 2)' to clone '(Atari version 2)' and clone '(version 1)' to '(Atari version 1)'. Renamed (polepos) to (poleposa).
- 6th January 2000: Aaron Giles added the Japan Pole Position romset.
- 0.36b11: Added Pole Position (version 2) (Namco 1982 (Atari license)) and clones (version 1) and Top Racer (bootleg) [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi, Juergen Buchmueller].
- 25th November 1999: Takahiro Nogi fixed some problems in the sample playing of Pole Position.
- 24th November 1999: Ernesto Corvi hooked up the two missing samples to the Pole Position driver.
- 23rd November 1999: Takahiro Nogi added partial stereo sound to Pole Position.
- 22nd November 1999: Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi and Juergen Buchmueller have submitted a fully working Pole Position 1 / 2 driver, it only lacks explosion and screeching tires samples.
- 0.36b6: Added clone Pole Position (set 2) (Testdriver).
- 0.35b9: Added Pole Position I (Testdriver) and clones (alternate set) and (bootleg).

ARCADE RELEASE: Pole Position (Namco) - 1982/Sep/24


Romset: 193 kb / 40 files / 65.8 zip
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