Asylum (prototype)
An overhead view shoot'em up.
Télécharger Asylum (prototype)
Contenu de la ROM :
- asy-m0.64
- asy-m1.65
- asy-m2.66
- asy-m3.67
- asy-sp0.151
- asy-sp2.152
- asy-sp4.153
- asy-sp6.154
- asy-sp8.155
- asy-spa.156
- asy-spc.157
- asy-spe.158
- asy-65.3
- asy-65.6
- asy-65.4
- asy-65.5
- asy-chr0.145
- asy-chr1.146
- asy-chr2.147
- asy-chr3.148
- asy-chr4.149
- asy-chr5.150
- asy-m4.68
- asy-m5.69
- asy-65.8
- asy-65.9
- asy-65.10
- asy-65.11
- eeprom-asylum.bin
- master Z80 (@ 6 Mhz)
- slave Z80 (@ 6 Mhz)
- audiocpu 80186 (@ 16 Mhz)
- Leland 80186 DAC
- YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz)
- Orientation Tate
- Résolution 255 x 240
- Fréquence 60 Hz
- Nombre de joueurs 3
- Nombre de boutons 2
- Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)
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Tips sur Asylum (prototype)
* Contest? : Complete the game 5 times to win an Asylum T-shirt (limitted time offer).
Asylum (prototype) et M.A.M.E.
0.62 [Aaron Giles]
- 0.136: Added eeprom-asylum.bin EEPROM.
- 0.129u4: Changed Custom sound to 'Leland 80186 DAC'.
- 22nd January 2004: Aaron Giles fixed problems in Red Baron, Asylum and Tiger Heli, caused by the memory system changes.
- 0.62: Aaron Giles added Asylum (prototype) (Leland 1991).
- 21st October 2002: Aaron Giles added a recently uncovered prototype game called Asylum to the Ataxx driver.
Romset: 5121 kb / 29 files / 2.18 zip
- 0.136: Added eeprom-asylum.bin EEPROM.
- 0.129u4: Changed Custom sound to 'Leland 80186 DAC'.
- 22nd January 2004: Aaron Giles fixed problems in Red Baron, Asylum and Tiger Heli, caused by the memory system changes.
- 0.62: Aaron Giles added Asylum (prototype) (Leland 1991).
- 21st October 2002: Aaron Giles added a recently uncovered prototype game called Asylum to the Ataxx driver.
Romset: 5121 kb / 29 files / 2.18 zip