Head On (2 players)

Arcade 1979 Gremlin Maze Driving
Head On is a 2-Dimensional maze racing game. You control your car through the maze to pick up the dots while at the same time avoiding the car, or cars, that are constantly trying to ram you. Successfully get through one maze and many more await you. This is good practice for freeway driving in the big city.
Head On (2 players)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 1
  • Type de contrôle joy (4 ways)

Screenshots de Head On (2 players)

Head On (2 players) - Screen 1
Head On (2 players) - Screen 2
Head On (2 players) - Screen 3
Head On (2 players) - Screen 4
Head On (2 players) - Screen 5

Les clones de Head On (2 players)

Scoring de Head On (2 players)

Dots : 5 points. There are 140 dots per maze to clear giving you 700 points per maze.

Tips sur Head On (2 players)

* When you start the game, your car will be located in the open space in the middle of the bottom of the screen in lane one. The jam car will be located in the middle left of the screen in lane one. On the higher levels, they will progress through lanes one, two, and/or three. As you progress through the levels, the number or speed of the jam cars increases. Here is the breakdown :
Level 1 : One Slow Jam Car
Level 2 : One Fast Jam Car
Level 3 : Two Slow Jam Cars
Level 4 : Two Fast Jam Cars
Level 5 : Three Slow Jam Cars
Level 6 and beyond : Three Fast Jam Cars

* Always be aware of where the Jam Car(s) is/are located. They can only make one lane change at a time but that lane change may be into your lane.

* The faster you go, the fewer lanes you can cross. At full acceleration, you will only be able to change one lane at a time. In the earlier levels, this will be fine since you will only be dealing with one car. In the multiple Jam Car levels, this can be a very bad thing. Decelerate (take your finger off the accelerate button) to go across multiple lanes.

* The Jam Car(s) always travel in a clockwise motion while you travel in a counterclockwise motion. Remember that so that you don't get confused when there are multiple cars in the maze. Also, the color of the Jam Car is red while yours is white.

* Don't try to get all the dots on one of the lanes. You need to anticipate where your next move is well before you enter the lane change area since you cannot change lanes at any other time. Sometimes, on the earlier levels, it is best to do a staggered type dot pickup where you do lane one, change to lane two, to lane three, lane four, lane five, then back to lane one. If you time it right, the Jam Car or Cars will still be in the maze.

* Don't let the speed of the Jam Car(s) throw you. Just plan to be out of your lane and in the lane change area before them. If both cars enter at the same time, you run a big risk of a collision.

* Since the game isn't timed, take your time planning on how you will take care of the dots. Don't take chances since you will have to restart the level if your car gets destroyed.

Head On (2 players) et M.A.M.E.

0.33b4 [Al Kossow]

- The short copyright notice '@ G" of Gremlin is correct. gregf

- 0.143u8: f205v added clone Crash (bootleg of Head On).
- 19th October 2010: f205v dumped Crash (bootleg of Sidam Head On) (1979). This PCB is a bootleg of Sidam's Head On bootleg (YES, it's bootleg ^2 !) manufactured in Torino (Italy) by Fraber.
- 14th February 2010: f205v dumped Head On (2 players, bootleg) (1979).
- 0.135u3: f205v and ANY added clone Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2).
- 17th November 2009: f205v dumped Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2).
- 0.126u4: Guru added README for Head On.
- 0.124u5: Couriersud added DISCRETE_KEY_SALLEN_FILTER to discrete sound system.
- 0.119u4: Couriersud added two more filters to the Head On crash sound. Now, only the envelopes for the crash sound filters are missing.
- 0.117u3: Aaron Giles removed discrete0_0.csv file, which was created when playing.
- 0.117u1: Couriersud added Discrete sound to Head On and clones, Space Attack / Head On, Head On 2 and Invinco / Head On 2 in the VIC Dual driver.
- 0.113u3: Added user1 proms ($0, 20 - timing). Fixed rom names.
- 0.107: David Haywood added clones Head On (Sidam bootleg) and Super Crash (bootleg of Head On).
- 19th July 2006: f205v dumped Super Crash (bootleg of Head On).
- 30th June 2006: f205v dumped Head On (Sidam bootleg).
- 0.37b7: Removed Samples sound.
- 0.36b7: Added dipswitches 'Lives' and 'Demo Sounds'.
- 0.35b13: Nicola Salmoria added clone Head On (1 player). Changed parent description to 'Head On (2 players)'. Added prom ($0 - 32 bytes).
- 0.33b4: Al Kossow added Head On (Gremlin 1979).

LEVELS: 1 (endless)

Romset: 8 kb / 10 files / 6.53 zip
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