Fire One

Arcade 1979 Exidy Shooter Gallery
Fire One! was a player-versus-player or player-versus-computer submarine showdown.

The primary objective of the game is to find and destroy the enemy's submarine, while avoiding the enemy's torpedoes. Through your virtual periscope you are free to launch one of your 8 torpedoes to take out any of the enemy's various ships for extra points. It takes some time to reload each torpedo tube, so you must be judicious in how you plan your attacks.

In addition to being able to control the left/right rotation of your periscope, the game also features a submerge button which you can use to temporarily hide from the enemy. Holding this button down keeps you hidden but also keeps you out of the action, allowing the enemy free reign over the seas.
Fire One

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 59.824356 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle paddle

Screenshots de Fire One

Fire One - Screen 1
Fire One - Screen 2
Fire One - Screen 3
Fire One - Screen 4
Fire One - Screen 5

Fire One et M.A.M.E.

0.35b3 [Olivier Galibert]

* Add sound/samples

- The original ROM images for Fire One (c) 1979 Exidy have been made available for free, non-commercial use. Authorization from H.R. Kaufmann, president of Xidy.

- 0.134u4: TrevEB added 2x N82S123 proms (DRAM addressing) to Fire One.
- 0.37b4: Greatly improved Star Fire / Fire One [Aaron Giles]. Changed visible area to 256x224.
- 2nd June 2000: Aaron Giles sent in a Star Fire / Fire One update, fixing more of the graphics glitches, and he sent in an Exidy sound system update.
- 0.35b3: Olivier Galibert added Fire One (Exidy 1979).
- 9th February 1999: Here is a (real) story what true emulator freaks can do to help preserving old arcade games, and to document the arcade games' history. The fellow who dumped the roms of Fire One had to drive 5 hours (each way) to get the board from a leaky garage which had been used by cats as a litter box. Half of the EPROMs had corroded pins and the smell was probably very disgusting (Maybe he should mail the board to IDSA *evil grin* - He got the roms dumped, and then the newest addition to MAME team, Olivier Galibert, started furiously working on the game. As a nice side effect, Star Fire also works much better (with trails though). Still no sound in either of these games, and it seems very unlikely that the samples could be extracted from that non-functioning board...

Romset: 29 kb / 16 files / 22.5 zip
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