The most viewed videos
Psyvariar - Stage XCGraviton Boss.
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
Psyvariar - Stage XCGraviton Boss.
by kechiguma
Ghosts'n'Goblins - One Life Clear Both Loops Best Ending
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
Ghosts'n'Goblins - One Life Clear Both Loops Best Ending
by doctorx0079
ESPRADE - Last Boss Part5 2nd Fire Only
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
ESPRADE - Last Boss Part5 2nd Fire Only
by Bill307
Border Down - Remix Full Run Stage3
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
Border Down - Remix Full Run Stage3
by SRA
Ghouls'n'Ghosts - No Miss Loop2 Complete Run
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
Ghouls'n'Ghosts - No Miss Loop2 Complete Run
by BenShinobi
[1CC/1Miss] Darius II Arcade Zone ACFINSY
lerebours - 0 view(s)
Partie réalisée sur la compilation Taito Memories Joukan II (Autofire ON).
Satazius ( サタゼウス ) 1LC Insane Superplay Mix
DJ Incompetent - 16 view(s)
Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. An experiment in modernizing retro game soundtracks.
1LC = 1 Life Clear = No Miss = No Deaths
Astro Port does Gradius better than Konami. Satazius is on Steam, or available on disc for Windows on doujin sites.
Superplay Mixes Discography
Logos | Lenny D & Radium - Voices
Title | NFL Films - The Autumn Wind
Prestage | Hans Zimmer [Mission Impossible 2] - Injection
Stage 1 | Hans Zimmer [Mission Impossible 2] - Injection
Boss | John Powell [The Italian Job] - Tunnel Run
Clear | Ennio Morricone [Once Upon a Time in America] - Deborah's Theme
Prestage | Sisters of Your Sunshine Vapor - At the Gates
Stage 2 | Shinichi Osawa - Star Guitar
Boss | Nine Black Alps - Ironside
Clear | Japandroids - The Boys Are Leaving Town
Prestage | KMFDM - Megalomaniac
Stage 3 | KMFDM - Megalomaniac
Boss | Electric Hellfire Club - Hellfire
Clear | Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts II (11)
Prestage | Free the Robots - Jazzhole
Stage 4 | Club Des Belugas - Hip Hip Chin Chin
Boss | Harry James & His Orchestra - Shine (DJ Spooky Subliminal Big Band Mix)
Clear | Woody Herman - Blowing Up a Storm
Prestage | Passalacqua - Sunset City
Stage 5 | Evil Nine & Aesop Rock - Crooked
Preboss-on-Parade | Daniel Alm - Shoot the Core (Aircraft Carrier)
Boss Rush 1 (Twin Core) | Rob Zombie - What Lurks on Channel X?
Boss Rush 2 (Sphere Core) | Roni Size & Reprezent - Railing
Boss Rush 3 (Crystal Clone) | Evol Intent - The Curtain Falls
Boss Rush 4 (Covered Clone) | Jeff Mills - Circus
Boss Rush 5 (Slider Core) | Dr. Octagon - Aliens
Prestage | Bass D & King Matthew + Eminem - Industry in Envy
Stage 6 | Scott Brown - Darkness
Midboss | Dieselboy - Trauma-Cell (SPKTRM Duomix)
Final Stretch | Evil Activities - We're Gonna Get You
Final Boss | Angerfist - Incoming
Ending | Joe Esposito - You're the Best
-DJ Incompetent
Drink & Fly Shooting Team
Super Star Soldier - 2minutes Mode
jammaplay - 9 view(s)
Super Star Soldier - 2minutes Mode
by BGR44
Super Aleste Low score
Yace - 1 view(s)
Radiant Silvergun - Sword Play Arcade Stage3
jammaplay - 3 view(s)
Radiant Silvergun - Sword Play Arcade Stage3
KOF 96 Korean Team run
Yace - 5 view(s)
ALL w/ Kim, Chang & Choi (Chang est vraiment débile de puissance, Choi idem)