Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
In the game, the third in the "Darius" series; the player flies an ornate fighter craft called a Silver Hawk. The craft is equipped with two attack weapons : Missile (forward-firing standard gun) and Bomb (drops from the bottom of the ship). The Silver Hawk is also equipped with the 'Arm' (armor); a green energy shield that can absorb enemy attacks without harm to the ship. Some enemies leave panels behind that can be collected to power-up your shots, missiles or shield.
The graphics and sound are superior to those of the previous Darius games, and the game employs a lot of impressive visual effects; for example, the Silver Hawk warps into a stage dramatically in the fourth-tier stages, and begins to burn on re-entry at the start of the sixth-tier stages.
The bosses are huge and far more complex than those of the previous games, each employing several attack patterns and explode with powerful warping and twisting effects upon their defeat.
The graphics and sound are superior to those of the previous Darius games, and the game employs a lot of impressive visual effects; for example, the Silver Hawk warps into a stage dramatically in the fourth-tier stages, and begins to burn on re-entry at the start of the sixth-tier stages.
The bosses are huge and far more complex than those of the previous games, each employing several attack patterns and explode with powerful warping and twisting effects upon their defeat.
Télécharger Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu 68EC020 (@ 16 Mhz)
- audiocpu 68000 (@ 15 Mhz)
- ES5505 (@ 15 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Resolution 255 x 232
- Frequency 58.97 Hz
- Number of players 4
- Number of buttons 4
- Kind of controler
- joy (8 ways)
- joy (8 ways)
Videos of Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
Darius Gaiden Marathon - Zone N
Yace - 4 view(s)
Mode marathon, fin de jeu à la zone N.
13 zones accomplies sur 26. Pour motiver Lerbours à nous faire un ALL !
Darius Gaiden Extra Version - No Miss No Bomb
jammaplay - 6 view(s)
Darius Gaiden Extra Version - No Miss No Bomb
by SJK

Clones of Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
If you liked Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
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Tips on Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
* When an enemy with a ball on his head appears. Hit the head to control the enemy.
Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack) and M.A.M.E.
0.61 [?]
0.37b15 [Bryan McPhail]
0.37b11 [Bryan McPhail]
Artwork available
- dariusg and clones: The shadow of the boss hehind the cloud can not be seen in zone V'. ptolemy (ID 01924)
- dariusg and clones: The oval pond(?) has no transparency and the background has no gradient shadow in the boss scene of zone H and J. ptolemy (ID 01923)
- dariusg and clones: The traces of objects (sprites) are not displayed during the scene changes in zone G, H, I, and J. ptolemy (ID 01922)
- dariusg and clones: The surface of the space colony in zone E does not have a gradient shadow. ptolemy (ID 01921)
- 24th September 2007: Mr. Do - Some more instruction cards courtesy of Tormod: Darius Gaiden.
- 0.105u1: Changed description to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)' and clones '(Japan)' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5J 1994/09/19)', '(US)' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5A 1994/09/19)' and '(Extra Version) [Official Hack]' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)'.
- 0.82u3: Curt Coder fixed Darius Gaiden, broken by 68008 changes.
- 0.61: Added 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (World)' and clone (US). Changed 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk' to clone '(Japan)'. Renamed (dariusg) to (dariusgj).
- 0.57: Fixed corrupt graphics in Darius Gaiden. Changed description of clone '(Extra Version)' to '(Extra Version) [Official Hack]'.
- 0.37b15: Bryan McPhail added 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk' (Taito 1994) and clone (Extra Version).
- 0.37b11: Bryan McPhail added Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Testdriver) and clone (Extra Version).
- Proco and Tiat started on a journey for new world, about that time, there were emigration ships starting from the death star 'Darius', and they arrived at a small planet 'Vadis'. The years went by, and people were about return to their native place 'Darius' star. Someone destroyed the strongpoint of the migration on 'Darius'. Also, the transport ships being to go home... The demon's hand reaches 'Vadis' too. A company of Silver-Hawks were almost all annihilated. Having high hopes, 'Silver-Hawk' sallied.
Other Emulators:
* Raine
Romset: 18944 kb / 14 files / 7.16 zip
0.37b15 [Bryan McPhail]
0.37b11 [Bryan McPhail]
Artwork available
- dariusg and clones: The shadow of the boss hehind the cloud can not be seen in zone V'. ptolemy (ID 01924)
- dariusg and clones: The oval pond(?) has no transparency and the background has no gradient shadow in the boss scene of zone H and J. ptolemy (ID 01923)
- dariusg and clones: The traces of objects (sprites) are not displayed during the scene changes in zone G, H, I, and J. ptolemy (ID 01922)
- dariusg and clones: The surface of the space colony in zone E does not have a gradient shadow. ptolemy (ID 01921)
- 24th September 2007: Mr. Do - Some more instruction cards courtesy of Tormod: Darius Gaiden.
- 0.105u1: Changed description to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)' and clones '(Japan)' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5J 1994/09/19)', '(US)' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5A 1994/09/19)' and '(Extra Version) [Official Hack]' to 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)'.
- 0.82u3: Curt Coder fixed Darius Gaiden, broken by 68008 changes.
- 0.61: Added 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (World)' and clone (US). Changed 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk' to clone '(Japan)'. Renamed (dariusg) to (dariusgj).
- 0.57: Fixed corrupt graphics in Darius Gaiden. Changed description of clone '(Extra Version)' to '(Extra Version) [Official Hack]'.
- 0.37b15: Bryan McPhail added 'Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk' (Taito 1994) and clone (Extra Version).
- 0.37b11: Bryan McPhail added Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Testdriver) and clone (Extra Version).
- Proco and Tiat started on a journey for new world, about that time, there were emigration ships starting from the death star 'Darius', and they arrived at a small planet 'Vadis'. The years went by, and people were about return to their native place 'Darius' star. Someone destroyed the strongpoint of the migration on 'Darius'. Also, the transport ships being to go home... The demon's hand reaches 'Vadis' too. A company of Silver-Hawks were almost all annihilated. Having high hopes, 'Silver-Hawk' sallied.
Other Emulators:
* Raine
Romset: 18944 kb / 14 files / 7.16 zip