Out Zone (set 1)

Arcade 1990 Toaplan Shooter Walking
A vertically scrolling run and gun game, in which the player controls a soldier who must fight his way through 7 increasingly difficult levels. At the end of each level a boss must be defeated before the player can progress any further.
Out Zone (set 1)

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • YM3812 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 57.584258 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Out Zone (set 1) Screenshots

Out Zone (set 1) - Screen 1
Out Zone (set 1) - Screen 2
Out Zone (set 1) - Screen 3
Out Zone (set 1) - Screen 4
Out Zone (set 1) - Screen 5

Clones of Out Zone (set 1)

Tips on Out Zone (set 1)

* Hidden Functions : If the 'Invulnerability dip switch' is enabled, you are invulnerable but you may also 'Pause' the game with P2 Start and restart with P1 Start.

Out Zone (set 1) and M.A.M.E.

0.104u5 [Tormod Tjaberg]
0.97u5 [Quench]
0.35b13 [Darren Olafson]

Artwork available

- 0.139u2: Robert Zandona modified the mix for the Toaplan 1 tilemaps (like rallybik and demonwld); this fixed Out Zone bug (In stage 6 there are two blank box on the background).
- 0.136u3: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Out Zone (set 5).
- 31st January 2010: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Out Zone (set 5).
- 26th July 2008: Mr. Do - Funny story. Tormod sent me a BUNCH of instruction cards a long time ago. You've probably been seeing them added in every so often. Well, around July of last year, I had completed a whole bunch of them, but then had a computer crash, and they ended up on the "spare" hard drive by mistake. I found them again going through a cleanup. So thanks to Tormod, this week we have Out Zone.
- 0.113u4: Changed VSync to 60Hz.
- 0.104u5: Tormod Tjaberg added Out Zone (set 1). Changed 'Out Zone (set 1)' to clone 'Out Zone (set 2)' and clones 'Out Zone (set 2, prototype?)' to 'Out Zone (set 3, prototype?)' and 'Out Zone (set 3)' to 'Out Zone (set 4)'. Renamed (outzoneb) to (outzonec), (outzonea) to (outzoneb) and (outzone) to (outzonea).
- 0.103: David Haywood added clone Out Zone (set 3). Changed description of clone 'Out Zone (set 2)' to 'Out Zone (set 2, prototype?)'.
- 9th December 2005: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Out Zone (set 4). This dump comes from a totally dead board with no original stickers. They aren't very different from the set 1 , so they can be hacked or a little corrupted. I swapped the roms on my working board and they seem to be good but maybe it crashes on later levels. In my opinion set 2 has to be renamed to "protoype" or "early version". There are less music/sfx there isn't an ending sequence. I dumped 4 outzones and they were all set 1.
- 0.97u5: Aaron Giles swapped Out Zone (set 1) with (set 2) - the other set was a newer revision with more secret bonuses, refined sound effects and a real ending instead of a few text lines. Renamed (outzone) to (outzonea) and (outzonea) to (outzone).
- 0.61: Changed VSync to 55.161545Hz.
- 0.37b13: Changed description to 'Out Zone (set 1)' and clone '(bootleg)' to '(set 2)'. Renamed (outzonep) to (outzonea).
- 0.36RC1: Added 'Unknown' dipswitch.
- 0.36b8: Quench added clone Out Zone (bootleg).
- 27th October 1999: Quench added another Outzone romset to the Toaplan driver.
- 12th July 1999: Marek Olejnik fixed a tile priority rendering bug in Out Zone.
- 31st May 1999: Carl-Henrik Skarstedt and Darren Olafson fixed Outzone graphics priority (helps after the second level).
- 0.35b13: Darren Olafson added Out Zone (Toaplan 1990).
- 16th May 1999: Marco Cassili fixed Outzone dips.
- 15th May 1999: Darren Olafson sent in the Toaplan driver with Outzone and Truxton support.
- 5th March 1999: Brad Oliver updated the Toaplan driver, graphics now use palette reduction (16-bit video mode not needed).
- 16th June 1998: Dumped Out Zone (set 3, prototype?).


Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* Raine
* Shark

Romset: 1825 kb / 11 files / 908.2 zip
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