In The Hunt (World)
Export version. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese version entry; "Kaitei Daisensou".
Télécharger In The Hunt (World)
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu V33 (@ 9 Mhz)
- soundcpu V35 (@ 14 Mhz)
- YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
- Irem GA20 (@ 3 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Resolution 255 x 240
- Frequency 60 Hz
- Number of players 2
- Number of buttons 2
- Kind of controler joy (8 ways)
Videos of In The Hunt (World)
In The Hunt - All Clear Demonstration
jammaplay - 11 view(s)
In The Hunt - All Clear Demonstration
by Kiken

Clones of In The Hunt (World)
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In The Hunt (World) and M.A.M.E.
0.36b6 [Bryan McPhail]
Artwork available
- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - Cleaned up 'In the Hunt' bezel just a little bit.
- 10th September 2006: Mr. Do - Converted existing artwork for 'In the Hunt'.
- 0.95u1: Irem M92 DIP corrections [Brian Troha]. Added 'Any Button to Start' dipswitch. Removed 9x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.81u6: BouKiCHi fixed speedup in clone Kaitei Daisensou. Note: Speedups may soon be removed from the M92 driver as they aren't really that significant on modern hardware.
- 0.56: Added 10x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.55: Changed V30 CPU2 from flags audio to normal V30.
- 0.53: Bryan McPhail and Nicola Salmoria decrypted the sound CPU in Gunforce, Blade Master, Lethal Thunder, Undercover Cops, Mystic Riders, Major Title 2, Hook, R-Type Leo, In the Hunt and Perfect Soldiers.
- 27th July 2001: Nicola Salmoria decrypted the sound CPU in 'In the Hunt', Major Title 2 and Perfect Soldiers.
- 0.37b8: Added V30 (14318180 Hz) CPU2, YM2151 and GA20 with 3579545 Hz.
- 0.37b2: Added clone 'In The Hunt (US)'.
- 29th April 2000: Bryan McPhail added the USA romset of In The Hunt to the M92 driver.
- 0.36RC2: Added dipswitches 'Flip Screen', 'Number of Players', 'Coin Slots', 'Coin Mode' and 'Coinage'.
- 0.36b11: Changed description to 'In The Hunt (World)' and clone to 'Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)'.
- 0.36b10: Changed description to 'In The Hunt input_ports_(World)' and clone 'Kaitei Daisensou input_ports_(Japan)'.
- 0.36b7: Changed description to 'In The Hunt (World)'.
- 0.36b6: Bryan McPhail added In The Hunt (World) (Irem 1993) and clone Kaitei Daisensou (Japan). Preliminary, crash in level 3?
- 24th September 1999: Oliver Bergmann sent in a NEC V20, V30, V33 cpu core, and Bryan McPhail submitted an Irem M92 driver with support for Blade Master, Gunforce, Lethal Thunder, Hook, Undercover Cops, R-type Leo, Major Title 2 and In The Hunt, but none of the games have sound because of an encrypted sound CPU.
Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
Romset: 7552 kb / 15 files / 2.80 zip
Artwork available
- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - Cleaned up 'In the Hunt' bezel just a little bit.
- 10th September 2006: Mr. Do - Converted existing artwork for 'In the Hunt'.
- 0.95u1: Irem M92 DIP corrections [Brian Troha]. Added 'Any Button to Start' dipswitch. Removed 9x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.81u6: BouKiCHi fixed speedup in clone Kaitei Daisensou. Note: Speedups may soon be removed from the M92 driver as they aren't really that significant on modern hardware.
- 0.56: Added 10x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.55: Changed V30 CPU2 from flags audio to normal V30.
- 0.53: Bryan McPhail and Nicola Salmoria decrypted the sound CPU in Gunforce, Blade Master, Lethal Thunder, Undercover Cops, Mystic Riders, Major Title 2, Hook, R-Type Leo, In the Hunt and Perfect Soldiers.
- 27th July 2001: Nicola Salmoria decrypted the sound CPU in 'In the Hunt', Major Title 2 and Perfect Soldiers.
- 0.37b8: Added V30 (14318180 Hz) CPU2, YM2151 and GA20 with 3579545 Hz.
- 0.37b2: Added clone 'In The Hunt (US)'.
- 29th April 2000: Bryan McPhail added the USA romset of In The Hunt to the M92 driver.
- 0.36RC2: Added dipswitches 'Flip Screen', 'Number of Players', 'Coin Slots', 'Coin Mode' and 'Coinage'.
- 0.36b11: Changed description to 'In The Hunt (World)' and clone to 'Kaitei Daisensou (Japan)'.
- 0.36b10: Changed description to 'In The Hunt input_ports_(World)' and clone 'Kaitei Daisensou input_ports_(Japan)'.
- 0.36b7: Changed description to 'In The Hunt (World)'.
- 0.36b6: Bryan McPhail added In The Hunt (World) (Irem 1993) and clone Kaitei Daisensou (Japan). Preliminary, crash in level 3?
- 24th September 1999: Oliver Bergmann sent in a NEC V20, V30, V33 cpu core, and Bryan McPhail submitted an Irem M92 driver with support for Blade Master, Gunforce, Lethal Thunder, Hook, Undercover Cops, R-type Leo, Major Title 2 and In The Hunt, but none of the games have sound because of an encrypted sound CPU.
Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
Romset: 7552 kb / 15 files / 2.80 zip