A vertically scrolling shoot'em up.
Télécharger Dogyuun
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
- audiocpu V25 (@ 12 Mhz)
- YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
- OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
- Orientation Tate
- Resolution 255 x 240
- Frequency 59.410646 Hz
- Number of players 2
- Number of buttons 3
- Kind of controler joy (8 ways)
Videos of Dogyuun

Clones of Dogyuun
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Tips on Dogyuun
* Hidden Functions : If the 'Invulnerability dip switch' is enabled, you are invulnerable but you may also 'Pause' the game with P2 Start and restart with P1 Start.
Dogyuun and M.A.M.E.
0.36RC2 [Quench]
0.36RC1 [Quench]
- 0.141u4: Alex Jackson fixed description of clones 'Dogyuun (Unite Trading license)' to 'Dogyuun (older set)' and 'Dogyuun (test location version)' to 'Dogyuun (location test)'. Renamed (dogyuunk) to (dogyuuna). Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz.
- 0.141u1: Roberto Zandona and Alex Jackson added working sound to Dogyuun. Roberto Zandona decrypted some opcodes in Dogyuun.
- 19th January 2011: Roberto Zandona - Dogyuun and Vfive: Decrypted enough to hear the music and sound effects.
- 0.140u2: Andrew Welburn added clone Dogyuun (test location version).
- 23rd November 2010: Smitdogg - Andrew Welburn dumped a sample/test location version of Dogyuun.
- 0.139u2: David Haywood fixed Toaplan2 VDP mixing in Dogyuun. This fixed the tiles/tiles and tiles/sprites priorities problems. Removed 2nd screen.
- 0.139u1: Added dual screen output.
- 0.138u2: Roberto Zandona fixed Dogyuun layer-layer priorities; sprite priorities are wrong.
- 0.138u1: David Haywood reworked Toaplan2 rendering to render tilemaps / sprites in a single pass, should be more accurate to hardware. Note, this further breaks the mixing in Batsugun and Dogyuun because the previous hacks can no longer work with the new rendering code. These games have been demoted to NOT_WORKING status until a better solution is found; they never worked properly anyway due to the extent of the video hacks needed to support them. Roberto Zandona fixed sprite-sprite priorities in Batsugun and Dogyuun. Changed description of clone 'Dogyuun (Licensed to Unite Trading For Korea)' to 'Dogyuun (Unite Trading license)'.
- 0.135u1: David Haywood cleaned up Toaplan2 V25 support. Added V25 (12.5 MHz) CPU2 to Dogyuun.
- 0.129: Smitdogg added clone Dogyuun (Licensed to Unite Trading For Korea).
- 8th September 2008: Guru - Dogyuun (1992 Toaplan/United Trading License) arrived from Korea. Thanks to gp-lee.
- 0.122u5: Corrado Tomaselli verified/corrected frequencies and OKI6295 pin 7 in Dogyuun. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 12.5MHz, OKI6295 to 1041666 Hz and VSync to 59Hz.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz.
- 0.102u5: Added new cpu1 ($0) rom.
- 0.61: Fixed rom names and changed VSync to 59.410645Hz.
- 0.37b10: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 20454 Hz.
- 0.37b9: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 20000 Hz.
- 0.37b6: Changed YM-2151 clock speed to 3375000 Hz. Added 'Territory' dipswitch.
- 12th March 2000: Quench sent in a Toaplan2 update with support for Ghox, V-Five, Dogyuun and Batsugun.
- 0.36RC2: Quench added Dogyuun (Toaplan 1992).
- 0.36RC1: Added Dogyuun (Testdriver). Working? But bad GFX. Requires support for two video controllers.
- 12th January 2000: Quench sent a driver for some later Toaplan games such as Teki Paki, Ghox, Dogyuun, Knuckle Bash, Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! and Snow Bros 2.
Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* Raine
Romset: 6912 kb / 6 files / 2.69 zip
0.36RC1 [Quench]
- 0.141u4: Alex Jackson fixed description of clones 'Dogyuun (Unite Trading license)' to 'Dogyuun (older set)' and 'Dogyuun (test location version)' to 'Dogyuun (location test)'. Renamed (dogyuunk) to (dogyuuna). Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz.
- 0.141u1: Roberto Zandona and Alex Jackson added working sound to Dogyuun. Roberto Zandona decrypted some opcodes in Dogyuun.
- 19th January 2011: Roberto Zandona - Dogyuun and Vfive: Decrypted enough to hear the music and sound effects.
- 0.140u2: Andrew Welburn added clone Dogyuun (test location version).
- 23rd November 2010: Smitdogg - Andrew Welburn dumped a sample/test location version of Dogyuun.
- 0.139u2: David Haywood fixed Toaplan2 VDP mixing in Dogyuun. This fixed the tiles/tiles and tiles/sprites priorities problems. Removed 2nd screen.
- 0.139u1: Added dual screen output.
- 0.138u2: Roberto Zandona fixed Dogyuun layer-layer priorities; sprite priorities are wrong.
- 0.138u1: David Haywood reworked Toaplan2 rendering to render tilemaps / sprites in a single pass, should be more accurate to hardware. Note, this further breaks the mixing in Batsugun and Dogyuun because the previous hacks can no longer work with the new rendering code. These games have been demoted to NOT_WORKING status until a better solution is found; they never worked properly anyway due to the extent of the video hacks needed to support them. Roberto Zandona fixed sprite-sprite priorities in Batsugun and Dogyuun. Changed description of clone 'Dogyuun (Licensed to Unite Trading For Korea)' to 'Dogyuun (Unite Trading license)'.
- 0.135u1: David Haywood cleaned up Toaplan2 V25 support. Added V25 (12.5 MHz) CPU2 to Dogyuun.
- 0.129: Smitdogg added clone Dogyuun (Licensed to Unite Trading For Korea).
- 8th September 2008: Guru - Dogyuun (1992 Toaplan/United Trading License) arrived from Korea. Thanks to gp-lee.
- 0.122u5: Corrado Tomaselli verified/corrected frequencies and OKI6295 pin 7 in Dogyuun. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 12.5MHz, OKI6295 to 1041666 Hz and VSync to 59Hz.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz.
- 0.102u5: Added new cpu1 ($0) rom.
- 0.61: Fixed rom names and changed VSync to 59.410645Hz.
- 0.37b10: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 20454 Hz.
- 0.37b9: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 20000 Hz.
- 0.37b6: Changed YM-2151 clock speed to 3375000 Hz. Added 'Territory' dipswitch.
- 12th March 2000: Quench sent in a Toaplan2 update with support for Ghox, V-Five, Dogyuun and Batsugun.
- 0.36RC2: Quench added Dogyuun (Toaplan 1992).
- 0.36RC1: Added Dogyuun (Testdriver). Working? But bad GFX. Requires support for two video controllers.
- 12th January 2000: Quench sent a driver for some later Toaplan games such as Teki Paki, Ghox, Dogyuun, Knuckle Bash, Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! and Snow Bros 2.
Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* Raine
Romset: 6912 kb / 6 files / 2.69 zip