Ameri : jeux
Psyvariar - Stage XBGraviton Boss
jammaplay - 10 vue(s)
Psyvariar - Stage XBGraviton Boss
by kechiguma
Dodonpachi II - Bee Storm - Easy Mode Clear
LA GLOBULE - 8 vue(s)
Découverte du jeu et clear du mode "facile" au premier crédit alors que j'étais assis sur un strapontin dans le TGV avec le PC sur les genoux, et le tout sans son.
Le 1CC dans le mode normal devrait ne pas être trop difficile à obtenir.
Giga Wing Generations - Level3 Secret
jammaplay - 18 vue(s)
Giga Wing Generations - Level3 Secret
by Rob
Super Darius CD - Full Run No Miss
jammaplay - 4 vue(s)
Super Darius CD - Full Run No Miss
by PlasmaBlooD
Danmaku Unlimited 2 ( 弾幕無限2 ) Burst Mode 1LC Superplay Mix
DJ Incompetent - 6 vue(s)
Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. An experiment in modernizing retro game soundtracks.
1LC = 1 Life Clear = No Deaths
Put on yer Psyvariar pants, 'cuz I forgot mine! Just abusing the loadouts to clear my objective. It has a dedicated trance why not bump all things like trance? I took some extra sound design liberties with the dramatic sound effects. This play is on PC by Doragon Entertainment. It is also on iOS.
Intro | Indie Game The Movie - Phil Fish GDC Panel Question
First Sortie | ABC News - Australia Theme (Pendulum Remix)
Boss 1 | CNN News - Showdown Iraq Emergency Beat
Wilde Sau | BrokenCrossfader - Feels Like Meh
Boss 2 | Tiësto - Lethal Industry
Event Horizon | Marek Bilinski - Ucieczka z Tropiku '93
Boss 3 | Carl Craig (69) - Rushed (Original Version)
End of Dreams | Nova Fractal - Percetion
Boss 4 | Astral Projection - Enlightened Evolution
Einherdar | Fred V & Grafix - 30 Minutes Beautiful Liquid Mix
Boss 5 | Dieselboy + Kaos - Barrier Break (Infiltrata + Hochi Remix)
Ending | Zane Goldenberg-Dietz - Nyan Cat on Piano!
-DJ Incompetent
Drink & Fly Shooting Team