
Arcade 1985 Namco Puzzle
The object of the game is to bump your enemies

Partager Motos


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  • maincpu M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • sub M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Namco 15XX (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60.606061 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Motos

Motos - Screen 1
Motos - Screen 2
Motos - Screen 3
Motos - Screen 4
Motos - Screen 5

Si vous avez aimé Motos

Vous aimerez peut-être :

Scoring de Motos

You score points by bumping enemies off the solar base :
Red Pupa : 300 points
Blue Pupa : 300 points
Black Pupa : 300 points
Polar : 800 points
Spirus : 1000 points
Fire Bug : 1300 points
Fire Bee : 1500 points
Taitorian : 2000 points
Lady Bug : 2500 points
Beetle : 3000 points
Mega : 3500 points
Giga : 5000 points
Nabicon : 50000 points (See Tips and Tricks below for how to destroy a Nabicon. Many Nabicon, however, are indestructible)
Beecon : 1000 points - Scored whether Motos or an Enemy Bug bumps the Beecon off the solar base.

Tips sur Motos

* Make a hole in the middle of a Nabicon and Blue Pupa won't be able to come out of it.

* Some Nabicon can be destroyed when Motos is outfitted with at least five Power parts. You can tell this when the Nabicon shakes as Motos bumps it. Bump a Nabicon more than ten times and it is destroyed, scoring you an enormous number of points (see Scoring above).

* Easter Egg :
1) Enter service mode.
2) Set coin A to 1 Coin / 1 Credit, set coin B to 1 Coin / 4 Credits, set Freeze to On, set Lives to 1, set Difficulty to Rank C, set Demo Sounds to Off, set Level Select to Off, set Bonus Life to 10k.
3) Press the service switch to display the grid and press (all together) Right+Button1+Start2. '(c) NAMCO LTD. 1984' will appear on the screen.

Motos et M.A.M.E.

0.29 [Aaron Giles]

- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Motos.
- 0.87: anonymous changed 4-way Joystick back to 8-way.
- 0.84u6: Changed 8-way Joystick to 4-way.
- 0.79u1: Replaced Namco sound with Namco 15XX.
- 0.78u4: Nicola Salmoria fixed Motos (whenever you get a high score, just before you put in your name, the logo rises. When this happens, the H and the 5th digit temporarily disappears from the "High Score" on the top of the screen). Added 2nd button. Added 8x 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.59: Fixed rom names.
- 0.36b4: Added 2nd player.
- 0.35b12: Added new cpu1 rom ($c000).
- 0.34b1: Added sound and color proms ($0, 20, 120 - palette, characters and sprites).
- 0.33b7: Zsolt Vasvari fixed Motos High Score display.
- 0.31: Aaron Giles added accurate colors to Motos.
- 0.29: Aaron Giles added Motos (Namco 1985).


Other Emulators:
* HiVE

Romset: 77 kb / 10 files / 37.0 zip
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