Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1)

Arcade 1993 Midway Fighter Versus
Mortal Kombat II is a direct sequel to the 1992 original featuring new fighters (increasing the character roster from 7 to 12) and improved graphics.

As with its predecessor, MKII's matches are divided into rounds, with victory awarded to the first player to win two rounds. At the point of defeat, the losing fighter will become dazed and the winner is given the opportunity to execute a 'finishing move'.

Some of the standard fighting moves (moves shared by all characters) have now been expanded or enhanced. A crouching punch has been added and the 'roundhouse kick' is more powerful and now knocks opponents across the screen. Also, the difference in hit boxes between high and low kicks is now more marked.

Additionally, returning characters gain new special moves and MKII marks the first appearence of multiple Fatalities - as well as additional, non-lethal finishing moves - in the series. In addition to the Fatalities of its predecessor, MKII offers 'Babalities' (turning a defeated opponent into a crying baby), 'Friendships' (a non-malicious interaction, such as dancing or giving a gift to the defeated opponent) and stage-specific Fatalities (the winner uppercutting their opponent into an abyss below, spikes above, or a pool of acid in the background).

Each character still shares generic attributes - speed, power, jump height and airtime - albeit with differing hit boxes. The sequel drops the points system of its prequel in favour of a consecutive win tally.
Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1)

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  • maincpu TMS34010 (@ 50 Mhz)
  • dcs ADSP-2105 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • DMA-driven DAC
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 253
  • Fréquence 54.81517 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 6
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1)

Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) - Screen 1
Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) - Screen 2
Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) - Screen 3
Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) - Screen 4
Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) - Screen 5
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Tips sur Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1)

* Disable throws in Versus Mode : hold Down+HP on player one and two's controls after both fighters have been selected. A message will confirm correct code entry.

* Display Top Fifteen Players : press Down during attract mode.

* Fight against Jade : progress through the game until the match that precedes the '?' match. Defeat your opponent using just low kicks. Jade will now be your opponent during the '?' match.

* Fight against Noob Saibot : win 50 consecutive matches.

* Fight against Smoke : press Down+Start when Dan says 'Toasty' on the Bridge stage.

* "Pong" : accumulate 250 battles at the versus screen. Both players can play the Pong mini-game.

* Random character : press Up+Start at the fighter selection screen without moving the selection box from its original position.

* Fatality - REPTILE :
1. (jump distance) Back(x2), Down, LP - Reptile shoots his tongue towards the victims head, bringing it back where he goes about eating it.
2. (you must be invisible - close) Forward(x2), Down, HK - While invisible Reptile cuts the torso off the victim.

* Fatality - SUB ZERO :
1. (far) hold LP, Back(x2), Down, Forward, release LP.
2a. (one step distance) Forward(x2), Down, HK - Sub-Zero will ice the victim over, putting them in a deep freeze.
2b. After deep freezing the victim, press Forward, Down, Forward(x2), HP - Sub-Zero will shatter the top part of the body.

* Fatality - SCORPION :
1. (two step distance) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, HP - Scorpion removes his mask and breathes fire at the feet of the victim, which then twitches and explodes.
2. (anywhere) hold Block, Down(x2), Up(x2), release Block, HP - With the addition of the two downs at the beginning, Scorpion may do the fatality at any distance, and always get the "Toasty!".
3. (close) hold HP, Down, Forward(x3), release HP - Scorpion slices the victim across the neck then cuts them in two.

* Fatality - JOHNNY CAGE :
1. (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), LP - Cage grabs the victim and rips their torso off, throwing it to the ground.
2a. (close) Forward(x2), Down, Up. Cage crouches and punches off the head of the victim with a powerful uppercut.
2b. To knock off three heads, hold Down+LP+HK+Block until the first head is knocked off.

* Fatality - BARAKA :
1. (close) Back(x4), HP - Baraka extends his blades from his arms, then decapitates the victim with one swipe.
2. (close) Back, Forward, Down, Forward, LP - Baraka stabs the victim and lifts them up, then they slowly slide down the blade.

* Fatality - KUNG LAO :
1. (one step Distance) Forward(x3), LK - Kung Lao removes his razor hat and slices the victim down the middle.
2. (far) hold LP, Back(x2), Forward, release LP, Up - Kung Lao throws his hat which decapitates the victim. Make sure to guide the hat up so it hits the head.

* Fatality - RAIDEN :
1a. (close) hold LK for 3 seconds and release - Raiden grabs the victim and lifts them up, then proceeds to shock them.
1b. After a dose of the shock treatment, press Block+LK repeatedly - The victim will explode into bits.
2. (close) hold HP (soon before the 'Finish Him') for 5 seconds and release - Raiden explodes the top half of the victim with a powerful uppercut. A few moments later the head falls to the ground.

* Fatality - JAX :
1. (close) hold LP, Forward(x3), release LP - Jax claps the victims head with a loud pop, and the skull crumbles in pieces to the ground.
2. (one step distance) Block(x4), LP - Jax grabs the victim by the arms and rips them off the body.

* Fatality - LIU KANG :
1. (close or one step distance) hold Block, 360 degrees - Liu Kang will do a cartwheel kick then a massive uppercut.
2. (close) Down, Forward, Back(x2), HK - Liu Kang will transform into a dragon and bite the victim in half, leaving the legs standing.

* Fatality - KITANA :
1. (close) Block(x3), HK - Kitana draws her fan and decapitates the victim with one swipe.
2. (close) hold LK, Forward(x2), Down, Forward, release LK - Kitana leans and kisses the victim, which then expands to unnatural proportions and explodes.

* Fatality - MILEENA :
1. (close) hold HK for 2 seconds and release - Mileena removes her mask revealing Baraka-like teeth and inhales the victim, spitting out the bones.
2. (close) Forward, Back, Forward, LP - Mileena repeatedly stabs the victim, lifting them up as blood sprays everywhere.

* Fatality - SHANG TSUNG :
1. (one step distance) hold HK for 4 seconds and release - Tsung turns into a mist and enters the victims body, which explodes.
2. (close) hold Block, Up, Down, Up, release Block, LK - Tsung picks up the victim with one hand, and drains their life force into his other hand.
3. (one step Distance) hold LP at the round start and release it 3 seconds after the 'Finish him' - Tsung turns into Kintaro, who punches the torso of the victim across the screen.

* Fatality - level 'Dead Pool'
All players : (close) hold (LP+LK), (Down+HP).
Oh Woah! : hold Down.

* Fatality - level 'Kombat Tomb' and 'Pit II' :
REPTILE : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
SUB ZERO : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
SCORPION : (close) Down(x2), Forward(x2), Block.
JOHNNY CAGE : (close) Down(x3) HK.
BARAKA : (close) Forward(x2), Down, HK.
KUNG LAO : (close) Forward(x3), HP.
RAIDEN : (close) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block.
JAX : (close) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, Down, LK.
LIU KANG : (close) Down, Back, Forward(x2), LK.
KITANA : (close) Forward, Down, Forward, HK.
MILEENA : (close) Forward, Down, Forward, LK.
SHANG TSUNG : (close) Down(x2), Up, Down+Block.

* Spikes Trick : Hold Player1 and Player2 Down at the end of the stage fatality in the Kombat Tomb to send the character down from the spikes.

* Finish him - Friendship (don't use LP and HP during the last round)
REPTILE : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, LK - Reptile attempts to sell you a Reptile doll.
SUB ZERO : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, LK - Sub-Zero attempts to sell you a Sub-Zero doll.
SCORPION : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, HK - Scorpion attempts to sell you a Scorpion doll.
JOHNNY CAGE : (anywhere) Down(x4), HK - Cage autographs his photo for his best fan.
BARAKA : (anywhere) hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, Forward(x2), HK - Baraka offers the victim a present.
KUNG LAO : (anywhere) Back(x3), Down, HK - Lao pulls a rabbit out of his hat.
RAIDEN : (anywhere) Down, Back, Forward, HK - Raiden creates Kidd Thunder, a miniature likeness.
JAX : (anywhere) Down(x2), Hold Block, Up(x2), release Block, LK - Jax creates a string of paper dolls.
LIU KANG : (anywhere) Forward, Back(x3), LK - A disco globe drops from the ceiling, and Kang gets down.
KITANA : (anywhere) Down(x4), hold Block, Up, release Block, LK - Kitana turns around and produces a cake with candles.
MILEENA : (anywhere) Down(x3), hold Block, Up, release Block, HK - Mileena grows a flower beneath her outstretched hand.
SHANG TSUNG : (anywhere) Back(x2), Down, Forward, HK - Tsung creates a rainbow above his head.

* Finish him - Babality (don't use LP and HP during the last round)
REPTILE : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), LK.
SUB ZERO : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), HK.
SCORPION : (anywhere) Down, Back(x2), HK.
JOHNNY CAGE : (anywhere) Back(x3), HK.
BARAKA : (anywhere) Forward(x3), HK.
KUNG LAO : (anywhere) Back(x2), Forward(x2), HK.
RAIDEN : (anywhere) Down(x2), hold Block, Up, release Block, HK.
JAX : (anywhere) hold Block, Down, Up, Down, Up, release Block, LK.
LIU KANG : (anywhere) Down(x2), Forward, Back, LK.
KITANA : (anywhere) Down(x3), LK.
MILEENA : (anywhere) Down(x3), HK.
SHANG TSUNG : (anywhere) Back, Forward, Down, HK.
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Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) et M.A.M.E.

0.37b10 [Alex Pasadyn, Zsolt Vasvari]
0.37b9 [Mike Greve]
0.34b7 [Alex Pasadyn, Zsolt Vasvari, Kurt Mahan]

Artwork available

- Reassigning Service Menu/Test Mode key (F2) does not work. rash2236 (ID 03689)
- [possible] Occasionally when watching attract mode, the music speeds up and plays at a very fast tempo. Jeff B (ID 01158)
- Clone mk2r14: If you have P2 button six mapped to anything, pressing it crashes MAME. rittwage (ID 02160)

- 0.146u4: ebo0763 dumped and added clone Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.0). Renamed (mk2r32) to (mk2r32e).
- 29th January 2012: Mr. Do - Mortal Kombat I and II have been updated. After seeing this post at BYOAC, and then looking back at the artwork, I realized I did a crap job on both of these. So... I redid the instruction cards for both, and added the improved marquees from Lord Hiryu, along with the control panels (all scans originally from the BYOAC / CAG artwork).
- 0.140u2: TerryMasters added clone Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1).
- 19th November 2010: Smitdogg - TerryMasters dumped MKII Revision 1.1. Here are some differences he has found so far from other sets: Earliest known version of the game. Free Play on by default. Demo has changed - text is centered, title comes before fight demonstration and bios missing.
- 0.134u2: Andy Welburn added clone Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1 (European)).
- 3rd October 2009: Smitdogg - Andrew Welburn dumped Mortal Kombat 2 Rev.3.1 (European) and Phil Bennett has it hooked up.
- 0.134u1: bulldawg, Smitdogg and Dumping Union added clone Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.0).
- 19th September 2009: Smitdogg - Thanks to bulldawg we got a rare revision of MK2 (Revision 3.00).
- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - Mortal Kombat I and II didn't actually have bezels, just generic bezels with an instruction card and other stickers. Changed the artwork to both to be a marquee and an instruction card. (Anyone notice that on the actual instruction card, the dragon symbols aren't actually aligned; that is correct).
- 0.125u4: Added button 6.
- 0.125u2: Removed button 6.
- 0.122u6: Changed TMS34010 CPU1 clock speed to 50MHz.
- 0.114u1: Changed visible area to 399x253 and VSync to 27.407585 Hz.
- 26th August 2006: Mr. Do - Added Mortal Kombat II bezel from and Mean Arena. Some of these decent stuff are so-so; some are REALLY good.
- 0.79u2: Replaced Custom sound with DMA-driven DAC.
- 0.78u4: Fixed cpu4/5 roms addresses.
- 0.74: Changed ADSP2105 clock speed to 10MHz.
- 15th September 2003: Justin Dawkins submitted a modification to the input ports in MK, MK2, MK3, UMK3 and wwfmania.
- 0.63: Changed visible area to 400x254.
- 31st March 2002: Aaron Giles fixed the shadows in Mortal Kombat 2 and 3.
- 0.58: Added clone Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.1).
- 31st January 2002: Aaron Giles added Mortal Kombat II v2.1 to the Williams Y-unit driver.
- 21st January 2002: Aaron Giles fixed a sound problem in the Williams T-unit driver that occurred with the newest core changes.
- 22nd December 2001: (nil) submitted an addition of Mortal Kombat II revision 2.1 to the Williams T-unit driver.
- 0.37b10: Added clones Mortal Kombat II Challenger (hack) and (rev L9.1, hack). Changed 'Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2)' to clone '(rev L4.2, hack)' and clone 'Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)' to parent. Renamed (mk2) to (mk2r42) and (mk2r31) to (mk2).
- 10th November 2000: Aaron Giles removed useless input ports from Mortal Kombat II, added a few new romsets and fixed the main set.
- 0.37b9: Mike Greve added Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2). Renamed (mk2) to (mk2r31).
- 2nd November 2000: Guru added a few new Mortal Kombat romsets to the T-Unit and Y-Unit drivers.
- 30th September 2000: Aaron Giles added the two Mortal Kombat 2 hacks to the T-Unit driver.
- 5th September 2000: Mike Greve added two new revisions of Mortal Kombat 2 to the T-Unit driver.
- 0.37b5: Ernesto Corvi added ADSP2105 CPU emulation, used by Mortal Kombat 2 sound. Added ADSP2105 (10.24 MHz) and Custom sound and changed visible area to 395x254.
- 19th July 2000: Aaron Giles rewrote the Williams 34010 games' protection simulation.
- 17th July 2000: Aaron Giles submitted an update for the Williams drivers with perfect sound in Mortal Kombat II (thanks to Ernesto Corvi!) and fixed crashes in Narc.
- 4th July 2000: Aaron Giles finally sent in the Williams 34010 driver worked on by him and Ernesto Corvi. Mortal Kombat revision 5 works, Narc revision 3 works, Mortal Kombat II works (without sound though) and NBA Jam (plus Tournament Edition) both work with sound.
- 27th June 2000: Aaron Giles finally fixed the protection issues in Mortal Kombat 2 and NBA Jam, but graphics glitches still remain and sound is not emulated.
- 0.36b16: Changed VSync to 53.204948 Hz.
- 0.35b5: Changed parent and clones description to 'Mortal Kombat II'.
- 0.35b4: Added clones MK 2 (rev L1.4) and (rev L3.2 (European)). Note: They were already there, just not linked.
- 0.35b2: Added new Mortal Kombat II dump. Changed 'MK 2' to clone 'MK 2 (rev L3.1)' and visible area to 399x256.
- 0.34b7: Alex Pasadyn, Zsolt Vasvari and Kurt Mahan added MK 2 (Midway 1993), not working.


Romset: 16384 kb / 20 files / 12.8 zip
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