Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master

Arcade 1995 Kaneko Fighter Versus
Features digitized fighters, the bosses are three different versions of Jackie Chan. Pretty funny game, responsive controls, a bit of Jackie 'engrish', loads of little videos and funny stuff.
Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
  • sub 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
  • YMZ280B (@ 16 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 4
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master

Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master - Screen 1
Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master - Screen 2
Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master - Screen 3
Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master - Screen 4
Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master - Screen 5

Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master et M.A.M.E.

0.77u2 [David Haywood]

- 0.146u3: Tafoid flagged Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master as GAME_NO_COCKTAIL due to never having working flip screen.
- 0.141u3: Aaron Giles removed public nvram_open() and fixed JChan driver to stop directly saving NVRAM.
- 0.141u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to JChan driver.
- 0.128u4: Kaneko changes: [David Haywood, Andreas Naive]: Added Simulation of Toybox external data rom decryption. Updated suprnova rendering to allow 2 sprite chips. Started work on Jackie Chan - Game now playable. Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs for Jackie Chan and clone. Added dipswitches 'Special Prize Available' and 'Buttons Layout'.
- 14th November 2008: David Haywood - I made more progress on Jackie Chan, which is basically now working apart from some priority issues.
- 13th November 2008: David Haywood - I've looked at Jackie Chan a little more. I was actually missing an entire sprite chip used for extra backgrounds, this is now emulated. Things are working better now, although their remain a few issues: 1. Sprite Zooming - the supernova sprite zooming has always been glitchy, this game shows it up badly, 2. Controls - currently only 2 buttons work, the game should have 4, so your moves are limited at the moment, 3. Sound - can't get this to work, need to re-verify the sound roms, but it could be an emulation issue, game writes 'bad' values to the sound chip, 4. Layer Offset - the actual tilemap needs an offset, it's slightly misplaced at the moment and 5. Tilemap Priority - tilemap should be infront of sprite layers in intro sequence.
- 12th November 2008: David Haywood - I've spent the last day looking at some Kaneko titles. I asked Andreas to take a look at the MCU data rom for several of the games, to see if it could help improve the protection simulation in Blood Warriors (by finding the tables we're using in the encrypted data rom, thus no longer requiring extra tables). He reported back to me with his findings, and it was good news. While this still isn't true emulation of the MCU it helps, as we know the tables in the MCU data rom are correct, while the ones figured out via trojans could potentially have had inaccuracies in them (they didn't... but). As a slightly surprising bonus all the 'Toybox' data roms apart from GTMR2 use the same main encryption, and same communication method. Bonk's Adventure is a bit odd (seems to use data not present in the MCU data rom) but was already figured out. The real bonus was that this exposes the data tables needed by Gals Panic 3, and Jackie Chan, both of which I've spent a little time looking at. Jackie Chan needs correct CPU communication and interrupt handling. These could take a while, but progress can definitely be made now. Jackie Chan is now playable in my private build, but has some awful hacks holding things together, and the graphics flicker / glitch badly due to them.
- 0.117u2: Changed YMZ280B clock speed to 16MHz.
- 0.89u5: Slight cleanup Jackie Chan driver, hooked up sound and identified tile area [Sebastien Volpe]. Added YMZ280B (14318200 Hz) stereo sound. Fixed sound1 rom address to $200000. Changed description to 'Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master'.
- 0.84: Many improvements to Jackie Chan, but still not playable [Sebastien Volpe, David Haywood]. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 16MHz, added 2nd 68000 (16MHz) CPU2, changed visible area to 320x240. Added dipswitches 'Test Mode', 'Flip Screen', 'Demo Sounds', 'Stereo', 'Free Play' and 'Blood Mode'.
- 0.77u2: David Haywood added 'Jackie Chan - Kung Fu Master' (Kaneko 1995). Game not playable due to protection.
- 6th August 2000: Guru - Managed to dump the twelve 42 pin mask roms (16 meg roms) of the Jackie Chan PCB with help from Al Kossow, PowerJaw and Silvio.
- 31st July 2000: Guru - Dumped an unknown Kaneko game (discovered to be Jackie Chan Kung Fu Master - (c) Kaneko 1995).

Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha

Romset: 34688 kb / 22 files / 19.6 zip
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