Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
Like it's legendary prequel, 1989's "Golden Axe"; 'Revenge' is sideways scrolling beat-em-up set in a traditional fantasy world, in which the evil 'Death Adder' has arisen to take over the lands. The game supports simultaneous four-player gameplay, with each player taking on one of the game's characters. The four available characters are 'Sternblade' (a barbarian warrior), 'Dora' (a female centaurian), 'Goah' (a giant with a dwarf sitting atop his shoulders) and 'Little Trix' (an agile, oriental-style warrior).
As with 'Golden Axe', as well as standard weapon attacks, each character has a special attack move that is activated by pressing both JUMP and ATTACK at the same time. Also, double-tapping the joystick right or left will cause the player to charge and smash into opponents. At certain points during the game, players will come across certain creatures and contraptions (such as dragons, giant scorpions and catapults) which, once the original occupier has been removed from the saddle, can be mounted and ridden/utilized to attack the enemy.
At certain points during a level, as well as at the end of each level, dwarfs appears carrying a sack on their back. Players can hit the dwarfs causing them to drop food and magic potions. During the course of the game, players will also come across numerous trapped prisoners. These can be released by either opening their cages (by pulling a rope or similar) or hacking at their foot manacles.
Unlike the linear level layout of its prequel, 'Revenge' offers the player a branching route through the game, adding to its variety and longevity.
As with 'Golden Axe', as well as standard weapon attacks, each character has a special attack move that is activated by pressing both JUMP and ATTACK at the same time. Also, double-tapping the joystick right or left will cause the player to charge and smash into opponents. At certain points during the game, players will come across certain creatures and contraptions (such as dragons, giant scorpions and catapults) which, once the original occupier has been removed from the saddle, can be mounted and ridden/utilized to attack the enemy.
At certain points during a level, as well as at the end of each level, dwarfs appears carrying a sack on their back. Players can hit the dwarfs causing them to drop food and magic potions. During the course of the game, players will also come across numerous trapped prisoners. These can be released by either opening their cages (by pulling a rope or similar) or hacking at their foot manacles.
Unlike the linear level layout of its prequel, 'Revenge' offers the player a branching route through the game, adding to its variety and longevity.
Télécharger Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
Contenu de la ROM :
- maincpu V60 (@ 16 Mhz)
- soundcpu Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
- mcu V25 (@ 10 Mhz)
- YM3438 (@ 8 Mhz)
- YM3438 (@ 8 Mhz)
- RF5C68 (@ 12 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Résolution 255 x 224
- Fréquence 60 Hz
- Nombre de joueurs 4
- Nombre de boutons 3
- Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)
Vidéos de Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
Golden Axe The Revenge Of Death Adder - No Deaths
jammaplay - 23 vue(s)
Golden Axe The Revenge Of Death Adder - No Deaths
by Ruldra

Les clones de Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
Si vous avez aimé Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
Vous aimerez peut-être :
- Altered Beast (Mega-Tech)
- Arabian Fight (World)
- Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06)
- Big Karnak
- Black Tiger
- Blade Master (World)
- Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World)
- Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)
- Gaiapolis (ver EAF)
- Genpei ToumaDen
- Golden Axe (Mega-Tech)
- Golden Axe - The Duel (JUETL 950117 V1.000)
- Guardians / Denjin Makai II
- Haunted Castle (version M)
- Karnov (US)
- Legend of Makai (World)
- Metamorphic Force (ver EAA)
- Monster Maulers (ver EAA)
- Oriental Legend 2 (V104, China)
- Rygar (US set 1)
- Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
- Strider 2 (USA 991213)
- The Astyanax
- Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan)
- Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
- Wild Fang
Tips sur Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
* When 2 or more people are playing, it's possible to grab an enemy in a body slam technique by attacking the enemy simultaneously, which can cause a lot of damage.
* In the PIER level, when the tentacles appear, attacking them will chop the tentacle's tip off. The tip can then be picked up (and eaten) and will increase the player's health, having the same effect as the dwarf's food powerup.
* In the PIER level, when the tentacles appear, attacking them will chop the tentacle's tip off. The tip can then be picked up (and eaten) and will increase the player's health, having the same effect as the dwarf's food powerup.
Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World) et M.A.M.E.
0.91 [Tormod Tjaberg]
0.63 [David Haywood, Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont, Farfetch'd]
0.56 [?]
Artwork available
- 0.140u2: Fixed rom names.
- 20th November 2010: Smitdogg - dlfrsilver dumped Golden Axe: Revenge Of Death Adder (US Rev.A).
- 0.139u2: Aaron Giles fixed memory management of Golden Axe 2 decryption.
- 0.118u3: Replaced V20 CPU with V25.
- 11th February 2007: Mr. Do - We have a instruction card for Golden Axe II.
- 0.91: Tormod Tjaberg added clone Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (Japan). Changed clone '(Japan / World?)' to parent '(World)'. Renamed (ga2) to (ga2u) and (ga2j) to (ga2).
- 0.90u4: Charles MacDonald and David Haywood emulated the protection in 'Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder'. Added V20 (10MHz) CPU3.
- 0.89u5: Changed description of clone '(Japan)' to '(Japan / World?)'.
- 0.78: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder'.
- 0.63: David Haywood added 'Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (US)' (Sega 1992) and clone (Japan).
- 28th November 2002: David Haywood sent in another update to the Sega System 32 driver with protection fixes for Burning Rivals, Arabian Fight and Golden Axe 2 from R. Belmont, improved inputs from Stephane Humbert and various improvements to the graphics emulation, making Super Visual Football, Burning Rivals, Rad Mobile, Rad Rally and F1 Exhaust Note playable.
- 0.56: Added Golden Axe 2 (Testdriver).
- 20th February 1999: Thierry dumped Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (rev. B).
Romset: 24448 kb / 19 files / 7.72 zip
0.63 [David Haywood, Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont, Farfetch'd]
0.56 [?]
Artwork available
- 0.140u2: Fixed rom names.
- 20th November 2010: Smitdogg - dlfrsilver dumped Golden Axe: Revenge Of Death Adder (US Rev.A).
- 0.139u2: Aaron Giles fixed memory management of Golden Axe 2 decryption.
- 0.118u3: Replaced V20 CPU with V25.
- 11th February 2007: Mr. Do - We have a instruction card for Golden Axe II.
- 0.91: Tormod Tjaberg added clone Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (Japan). Changed clone '(Japan / World?)' to parent '(World)'. Renamed (ga2) to (ga2u) and (ga2j) to (ga2).
- 0.90u4: Charles MacDonald and David Haywood emulated the protection in 'Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder'. Added V20 (10MHz) CPU3.
- 0.89u5: Changed description of clone '(Japan)' to '(Japan / World?)'.
- 0.78: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder'.
- 0.63: David Haywood added 'Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (US)' (Sega 1992) and clone (Japan).
- 28th November 2002: David Haywood sent in another update to the Sega System 32 driver with protection fixes for Burning Rivals, Arabian Fight and Golden Axe 2 from R. Belmont, improved inputs from Stephane Humbert and various improvements to the graphics emulation, making Super Visual Football, Burning Rivals, Rad Mobile, Rad Rally and F1 Exhaust Note playable.
- 0.56: Added Golden Axe 2 (Testdriver).
- 20th February 1999: Thierry dumped Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (rev. B).
Romset: 24448 kb / 19 files / 7.72 zip