Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)
Two jet-pack wearing marines must battle a powerful enemy force that has seized and inhabited their home planet - now known as 'Dust World' - and restore the planet to its former name of 'Earth'. Forgotten Worlds is the third and final game in Capcom's 'Jet-Pack Hero' trilogy (with the first two games being 1985's "Section Z" and 1986's "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne") and, as with the first two games, is a one or two player sideways scrolling shoot-em-up.
Forgotten Worlds' gameplay features multi-directional shooting, with the Marines being able to rotate through 360 degrees, allowing players to fire in any direction. When killed, enemies drop 'Zenny Coins' which can be used to upgrade weapons and player health at the shops that appear at the halfway point of each level. Forgotten Worlds features superb graphics and ingenious enemy design, and was converted to many different home formats.
Forgotten Worlds' gameplay features multi-directional shooting, with the Marines being able to rotate through 360 degrees, allowing players to fire in any direction. When killed, enemies drop 'Zenny Coins' which can be used to upgrade weapons and player health at the shops that appear at the halfway point of each level. Forgotten Worlds features superb graphics and ingenious enemy design, and was converted to many different home formats.
Télécharger Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)
Contenu de la ROM :
- maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
- audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
- YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
- OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Résolution 255 x 224
- Fréquence 59.629403 Hz
- Nombre de joueurs 2
- Nombre de boutons 1
- Type de contrôle
- joy (8 ways)
- joy (8 ways)
Les clones de Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)
Si vous avez aimé Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)
Vous aimerez peut-être :
- 4-D Warriors (315-5162)
- Alien Sector
- Bakutotsu Kijuutei
- Cop 01 (set 1)
- Crazy War
- Cybattler
- ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22)
- Equites
- Exzisus (Japan, dedicated)
- Finalizer - Super Transformation
- Forgotten Worlds (Mega-Tech)
- Formation Z
- Freeze
- Insector X (World)
- Lizard Wizard
- Mazinger Z (World)
- Metal Clash (Japan)
- Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0)
- SWAT (315-5048)
- Scooter Shooter
- Section Z (set 1)
- Shikigami no Shiro (V2.03J)
- Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)
- Sky Lancer (Bordun, ver.U450C)
- Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A)
- Star Guards
- Superman (World)
- Transformer
- Vastar (set 1)
En voir plus
Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C) et M.A.M.E.
0.131u3 [Corrado Tomaselli]
0.35b12 [?]
0.35b3 [?]
- 0.145u4: Bonky0013 and JacKc added clone Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. C). Changed description of clones '(USA, B-Board 88618B-2)' to '(USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. A)' and '(USA, B-Board 88621B-2)' to '(USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)'.
- 0.144u1: Restored 4 EPROMs properly dumped in Forgotten Worlds (World) and marked LW-13.10D as possible bad dump in clone (USA, B-Board 88621B-2), see the note. Fixed rom names.
- 0.141u2: Changed description of clone 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-?)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2)'.
- 0.139u1: Changed description of clones 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88618B B-Board)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-?)' and 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88621B B-Board)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2)'. Renamed (forgottnu) to (forgottnua) and (forgottnua) to (forgottnu).
- 0.139: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added clone Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88621B B-Board). Team CPS-1 fixed LW-13.10D rom loading in Forgotten Worlds to match real PCB.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (forgottu) to (forgottnu).
- 0.132u3: Team Japump added clone Lost Worlds (Japan Old Ver.).
- 0.131u3: Corrado Tomaselli added Forgotten Worlds (World). Renamed (forgottn) to (forgottu). Removed Forgotten Worlds (World?).
- 22nd May 2009: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Forgotten Worlds (World).
- 16th November 2008: Guru - I recently picked up a pile of junk for spares and repairs from a local friend. It turned out there was quite a bit of interesting stuff in this lot. As far as I can make out, I got Lost Worlds (with QFP52 surface mounted ROMs, Capcom).
- 0.126u5: Added A-board PLDs (buf1, ioa1, prg1, rom1 and sou1)
- 0.124u5: Guru added clone Forgotten Worlds (World?). Fixed rom names.
- 0.124u4: Cleaned memory maps. Moved Forgotten Worlds special input memory handlers to DRIVER_INIT [Nicola Salmoria, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald].
- 0.124u3: Fixed gfx1 rom loading.
- 0.111u4: David Haywood unified Forgotten Worlds MACHINE_DRIVER_START with CPS1 and connected the OKI6295 pin control properly.
- 0.93u1: Changed OKI6295 clock speed back to 6061 Hz.
- 0.93: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 7576 Hz.
- 0.63: Added 'Difficulty' dipswitch. Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.37b7: Nicola Salmoria and Tim Lindquist added stars in Strider and Forgotten Worlds.
- 27th August 2000: Nicola Salmoria perfected the CPS-1 starfield graphics emulation (used in Forgotten World and Strider).
- 21st August 2000: Nicola Salmoria added preliminary starfield emulation to the CPS-1 driver.
- 0.36b9: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 10MHz.
- 0.36b5: Yasuhiro Ogawa added clone Lost Worlds (Japan). Added missing cpu1 rom ($80000), 8x gfx1 and 2x sound1 roms. Changed input from 8-way Joystick to Dial. Added dipswitches 'Coin A/ B' and 'Demo Sounds.
- 10th September 1999: The Japan version of Forgotten Worlds (Lost Worlds) was added.
- 8th September 1999: Somebody added a correct romset to Forgotten Worlds.
- 0.35b12: Added Forgotten Worlds (US) (Capcom 1988), missing gfx and sound roms.
- 0.35b3: Added Forgotten Worlds (Testdriver).
ARCADE RELEASE: Lost Worlds (Capcom) - 1988/Jul/29
Other Emulators:
* Calice
* Callus
* FB Alpha
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Raine
Romset: 5442 kb / 35 files / 1.79 zip
0.35b12 [?]
0.35b3 [?]
- 0.145u4: Bonky0013 and JacKc added clone Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. C). Changed description of clones '(USA, B-Board 88618B-2)' to '(USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. A)' and '(USA, B-Board 88621B-2)' to '(USA, B-Board 88621B-2, Rev. C)'.
- 0.144u1: Restored 4 EPROMs properly dumped in Forgotten Worlds (World) and marked LW-13.10D as possible bad dump in clone (USA, B-Board 88621B-2), see the note. Fixed rom names.
- 0.141u2: Changed description of clone 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-?)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2)'.
- 0.139u1: Changed description of clones 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88618B B-Board)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-?)' and 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88621B B-Board)' to 'Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88621B-2)'. Renamed (forgottnu) to (forgottnua) and (forgottnua) to (forgottnu).
- 0.139: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added clone Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88621B B-Board). Team CPS-1 fixed LW-13.10D rom loading in Forgotten Worlds to match real PCB.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (forgottu) to (forgottnu).
- 0.132u3: Team Japump added clone Lost Worlds (Japan Old Ver.).
- 0.131u3: Corrado Tomaselli added Forgotten Worlds (World). Renamed (forgottn) to (forgottu). Removed Forgotten Worlds (World?).
- 22nd May 2009: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Forgotten Worlds (World).
- 16th November 2008: Guru - I recently picked up a pile of junk for spares and repairs from a local friend. It turned out there was quite a bit of interesting stuff in this lot. As far as I can make out, I got Lost Worlds (with QFP52 surface mounted ROMs, Capcom).
- 0.126u5: Added A-board PLDs (buf1, ioa1, prg1, rom1 and sou1)
- 0.124u5: Guru added clone Forgotten Worlds (World?). Fixed rom names.
- 0.124u4: Cleaned memory maps. Moved Forgotten Worlds special input memory handlers to DRIVER_INIT [Nicola Salmoria, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald].
- 0.124u3: Fixed gfx1 rom loading.
- 0.111u4: David Haywood unified Forgotten Worlds MACHINE_DRIVER_START with CPS1 and connected the OKI6295 pin control properly.
- 0.93u1: Changed OKI6295 clock speed back to 6061 Hz.
- 0.93: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 7576 Hz.
- 0.63: Added 'Difficulty' dipswitch. Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.37b7: Nicola Salmoria and Tim Lindquist added stars in Strider and Forgotten Worlds.
- 27th August 2000: Nicola Salmoria perfected the CPS-1 starfield graphics emulation (used in Forgotten World and Strider).
- 21st August 2000: Nicola Salmoria added preliminary starfield emulation to the CPS-1 driver.
- 0.36b9: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 10MHz.
- 0.36b5: Yasuhiro Ogawa added clone Lost Worlds (Japan). Added missing cpu1 rom ($80000), 8x gfx1 and 2x sound1 roms. Changed input from 8-way Joystick to Dial. Added dipswitches 'Coin A/ B' and 'Demo Sounds.
- 10th September 1999: The Japan version of Forgotten Worlds (Lost Worlds) was added.
- 8th September 1999: Somebody added a correct romset to Forgotten Worlds.
- 0.35b12: Added Forgotten Worlds (US) (Capcom 1988), missing gfx and sound roms.
- 0.35b3: Added Forgotten Worlds (Testdriver).
ARCADE RELEASE: Lost Worlds (Capcom) - 1988/Jul/29
Other Emulators:
* Calice
* Callus
* FB Alpha
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Raine
Romset: 5442 kb / 35 files / 1.79 zip