Les vidéos les mieux notées

Raiden Fighters - Up To Stage7 19:45

Raiden Fighters - Up To Stage7

jammaplay - 13 vue(s)
Raiden Fighters - Up To Stage7 by Alamone
Strikers 1999 - Spectre001 Boss Battle 00:28

Strikers 1999 - Spectre001 Boss Battle

jammaplay - 10 vue(s)
Strikers 1999 - Spectre001 Boss Battle by Alluro
Blazing Star - 683M Point Play With Windina 43:35

Blazing Star - 683M Point Play With Windina

jammaplay - 12 vue(s)
Blazing Star - 683M Point Play With Windina by SAI
Dragon Blaze - Boss Replay Sand Stage 00:44

Dragon Blaze - Boss Replay Sand Stage

jammaplay - 9 vue(s)
Dragon Blaze - Boss Replay Sand Stage by ExMosquito
Radiant Silvergun - Arcade Stage5 05:41

Radiant Silvergun - Arcade Stage5

jammaplay - 6 vue(s)
Radiant Silvergun - Arcade Stage5 by VTFINO
Sengoku - Stage4 01:25

Sengoku - Stage4

jammaplay - 4 vue(s)
Sengoku - Stage4 by Kiken
Ikaruga - Chapter5 03:19

Ikaruga - Chapter5

jammaplay - 9 vue(s)
Ikaruga - Chapter5 by BenShinobi
R-Type Delta - 1 CC By do RX 45:18

R-Type Delta - 1 CC By do RX

jammaplay - 14 vue(s)
R-Type Delta - 1 CC By do RX by Alamone


Gradius V - Stage1 Boss Loop10 03:08

Gradius V - Stage1 Boss Loop10

jammaplay - 7 vue(s)
Gradius V - Stage1 Boss Loop10 by UMI
Art Of Fighting 2 Tips and Tricks 17:15

Art Of Fighting 2 Tips and Tricks

goji' - 38 vue(s)
quelques exemples de techniques de fourbe pour battre l'ordinateur.
Varth Operation Thunderstorm - Podless 1cc 55:48

Varth Operation Thunderstorm - Podless 1cc

jammaplay - 13 vue(s)
Varth Operation Thunderstorm - Podless 1cc by Ruldra
Radiant Silvergun - Normal Play Stage4 30:52
Giga Wing 2 - Level3 03:05

Giga Wing 2 - Level3

jammaplay - 9 vue(s)
Giga Wing 2 - Level3 by Kiken
Asterix 173500 pts no miss loop 1 part 2 39:39

Asterix 173500 pts no miss loop 1 part 2

goji' - 3 vue(s)
Second Loop du walkthrough, le jeu repart en hardest, beaucoup des automatismes du loop 1 ne passent plus, dû à la vitesse de déplacement abusée des ennemis. Le bouclage du second Loop n'est plus très loin !
Viper Phase 1 - NVto Stage5 19:07

Viper Phase 1 - NVto Stage5

jammaplay - 13 vue(s)
Viper Phase 1 - NVto Stage5 by Alamone
Psyvariar - Stage4 CColony 01:10

Psyvariar - Stage4 CColony

jammaplay - 11 vue(s)
Psyvariar - Stage4 CColony by kechiguma
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