
Gradius V - Hi Loop Gameplay2 51:19

Gradius V - Hi Loop Gameplay2

jammaplay - 3 view(s)
Gradius V - Hi Loop Gameplay2 by BGR44
Star Force - 215mil To Stage13 17:53

Star Force - 215mil To Stage13

jammaplay - 10 view(s)
Star Force - 215mil To Stage13
Mushihimesama - Maniac Stage5 06:40

Mushihimesama - Maniac Stage5

jammaplay - 5 view(s)
Mushihimesama - Maniac Stage5 by COR
Gradius Gaiden - Round2 Level1 03:05

Gradius Gaiden - Round2 Level1

jammaplay - 5 view(s)
Gradius Gaiden - Round2 Level1 by ZachKeene
Mushihimesama Futari - Original Stage2 04:37

Mushihimesama Futari - Original Stage2

jammaplay - 5 view(s)
Mushihimesama Futari - Original Stage2
Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage6 02:03

Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage6

jammaplay - 7 view(s)
Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage6 by BGR44
Wardner   Counter Stop by Yace 01:31:19

Wardner Counter Stop by Yace

Yace - 13 view(s)
Enfin, le counter stop. Le leeching optimisé au stage 2 ainsi que le counter stop du compteur de pièces sont la clé du scoring. j'ai eu peur quand j'ai du reprendre au stage 4 sans mes fées et le dernier boss m'a occasionné une sueur froide, mais bon, c'est fait ! Mon 5ème counter stop après Haunted Castle, Super Aleste, Super Mario Land et Fantasy Zone.
Gradius V - First Loop No Miss 01:12:13

Gradius V - First Loop No Miss

jammaplay - 3 view(s)
Gradius V - First Loop No Miss by UMI
Ibara - Stage2 04:31

Ibara - Stage2

jammaplay - 15 view(s)
Ibara - Stage2 by ACR
Giga Wing Generations - Level1 03:12

Giga Wing Generations - Level1

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Giga Wing Generations - Level1 by Rob
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