Tiger Heli (US)

Arcade 1985 Toaplan / Taito America Corp. Shooter Flying Vertical
Tiger Heli (US)

Partager Tiger Heli (US)


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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 6 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • mcu M68705 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Tiger Heli (US) Screenshots

Tiger Heli (US) - Screen 1
Tiger Heli (US) - Screen 2
Tiger Heli (US) - Screen 3
Tiger Heli (US) - Screen 4
Tiger Heli (US) - Screen 5

Clones of Tiger Heli (US)

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Tips on Tiger Heli (US)

* 10000 Points Bonus : At the start of the game, count your shots until arriving at the first railroad. If you've counted every 16 shots (16, 32, 48, 64 ...), a little car should enter the screen on the right side. Destroy it with next shot to get a 10,000 points bonus. There are similar cars throughout the game, but making them appear is a mystery.

* A Second 10000 Points Bonus : Near the beginning there is a 'school house' with a red drum on the top. If you hit the red drum enough times, you'll get a 10,000 points bonus.

* Second Chance : If you get shot soon after starting a new game, the game will often let you off and just fire a super bomb instead.

* Warp : Lose your first player without scoring any points (make sure the second chance super bomb doesn't hit anything). The game puts you forward to a railway where a car will appear that can be shot for 10,000 points.

* Hint : Blast everything. Civilian cars and houses, etc., all give 50 points each.
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Tiger Heli (US) and M.A.M.E.

0.34b4 [Nicola Salmoria]

- 0.138u3: Fixed rom names.
- 0.126u4: Guru added README for Tiger Heli.
- 0.126u1: Stephane Humbert added MCU simulation for (bootleg set 1) (in fact, I only had to return the correct value for the hardware test as there doesn't seem to be any other communication - I'm still not convinced that this bootleg had a MCU). Cleaned/fixed dipswitches and added port locations. Added notes with the differences between the different sets. Changed description of clone 'Tiger Heli (Japan set 2)' to 'Tiger Heli (Japan)', 'Tiger Heli (bootleg set 1)' to 'Tiger Heli (bootleg set 3)' and 'Tiger Heli (Japan set 1)' to 'Tiger Heli (bootleg set 1)'. Renamed (tigerhb1) to (tigerhb3) and (tigerh2) to (tigerhb1). Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.123u1: Corrado Tomaselli corrected the clocks in Tiger Heli. Changed Z80 CPU2 and M68705 CPU3 clock speeds to 3MHz.
- 0.122u6: Changed M68705 CPU3 clock speed to 4MHz.
- 0.115: Aaron Giles updated 68705 clocks to take into account the internal divide by 4. Added constant so that it is clear why this is being done. Changed M68705 CPU4 clock speed to 1MHz.
- 12th September 2005: Guru - Tiger Heli with a 68705 MCU arrived. Thanks to Tingoes.
- 22nd January 2004: Aaron Giles fixed problems in Red Baron, Asylum and Tiger Heli, caused by the memory system changes.
- 0.74u2: Added MCU emulation to Tiger Heli [Tomasz Slanina]. Added M68705 (2MHz) CPU3 and MCU rom.
- 3rd October 2003: Tomasz Slanina added correct MCU emulation and MCU ROM to Tiger Heli.
- 11th August 2003: Guru - Dumped successfully the MCU from Tiger with the Data IO Unisite Programmer.
- 0.72: Changed description to 'Tiger Heli (US)' and clones '(set 2)' to '(Japan set 1)', '(Japan)' to '(Japan set 2)', '(bootleg 1)' to '(bootleg set 1)' and '(bootleg 2)' to '(bootleg set 2)'.
- 0.71u3: Tiger Heli MCU simulation improvements [Angelo Salese].
- 25th July 2003: Angelo Salese fixed a MCU bug in Tiger Heli that caused wrong background positioning.
- 0.69: Angelo Salese fixed MCU reset for Tiger Heli.
- 1st May 2003: Angelo Salese simulated the MCU protection in the Tiger Heli driver, making the original ROM sets fully working. The MCU protection in Tiger Heli is very simple. It compares for a value to return a specific number, otherwise it will give the BAD HW message(stored at locations $10AB-$10B5). The program itself says what kind of value is needed (usually,but not always 0x83).This is simulated by reading what value the main program asks,then adjusting it to the value really needed (as it was managed by a real MCU). The bootlegs patches this with different ways: The first one patches the final 'ret z' opcode check with a 'ret' at 10AAh. The second one patches the e803 checks with a 'ret' at location 109Dh.
- 17th September 2000: Bryan McPhail fixed sprite lag in Tiger Heli.
- 0.36RC2: Added clone Tiger Heli (Japan).
- 0.34b7: Juan Carlos Lorente added high score saving to Tiger Heli.
- 0.34b4: Nicola Salmoria added Tiger Heli (set 1) (Taito 1985) and clones (set 2), (bootleg 1) and (bootleg 2). Known issues: The original versions don't work, use the bootlegs.
- 11th June 1998: Dumped Tiger Heli (bootleg set 2).

LEVELS: 5 (endless)

Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* Shark

Romset: 203 kb / 18 files / 91.5 zip
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