Main Event (1984)

Arcade 1984 SNK Sports Boxing
A boxing game from SNK.
Main Event (1984)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 2 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 2 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 216
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 4
  • Kind of controler doublejoy (8 ways)

Main Event (1984) Screenshots

Main Event (1984) - Screen 1
Main Event (1984) - Screen 2
Main Event (1984) - Screen 3
Main Event (1984) - Screen 4
Main Event (1984) - Screen 5

Main Event (1984) and M.A.M.E.

0.75 [Tomasz Slanina]
0.74u2 [David Haywood]
0.68 [David Haywood]

- The game uses 2 joysticks (with button on top) and 2 buttons per player. Left stick: UP = left straight punch to enemy's face and LEFT = swey to left. Right stick: UP = right straight punch to enemy's face and RIGHT = swey to right. Left + Right stick combinations: L DOWN + R UP: right straight punch to enemy's body. L UP + R DOWN: left straight punch to enemy's body. L RIGHT + R Left: guard player's body. To move the boxer, use joystick while pressing the button on top of the stick. Left button: left uppercut and Right button: right uppercut. To recover from down, press these buttons rapidly.

- 0.129u1: Aaron Giles removed tilemap_set_pen_data_offset; unfortunately, this adds a random tile offset behind the scenes and goes against the dirty tile detection and invalidation. Updated the MainSNK driver to use the old fashioned tile banking.
- 0.127u4: Fixed inputs in Main Event (SNK) based on the info in [9IEM1smI0]. Changed input to Double 8-way Joystick with 4x buttons. Added dipswitches 'Difficulty' and 'Round Time'.
- 0.127u3: Nicola Salmoria removed 'SNK Wave' since it doesn't seem to be used and might not be present on the PCB at all. General driver cleanup, bringing it in line with snk.c but not merging it since somthing doesn't quite fit. Changed visible area to 288x216 and VSync to 60Hz. Removed 3rd coin slot. Added dipswitches '2 Players Game' and 10x 'Unknown'.
- 0.127u2: Nicola Salmoria fixed emulation of the "SNK Wave" custom sound and made it into a proper sound core. Replaced Namco sound with SNK Wave (8MHz).
- 0.93: Added clock parameter to Namco sound (24000 Hz).
- 0.75: Added new cpu1 rom ($8000) and cpu2 rom ($0 - 16k). Fixed rom loading Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3.36MHz. Added Z80 (4MHz) CPU2 and 2x AY-3-8910 (2MHz) sound. Changed visible area to 272x216, VSync to 60.606060 Hz and palettesize to 288 colors. Added dipswitches 'Service Mode', 'Coinage', 'Game mode', 'SW 2-3', 'SW 2-4' and 'SW 2-7'. Game now playable.
- 12th October 2003: Tomasz Slanina added sprites, tile banking, sound and colors to Main Event (SNK).
- 0.74u2: David Haywood added Main Event (1984) (SNK 1984).
- 0.69: David Haywood fixed length of PROMs in Main Event (SNK).
- 0.68: Added Main Event (1984) (Testdriver). Known issues: Is there some kind of video ram banking? see fg layer in attract with ring, it seems to draw one thing then overwrite it with something else.
- 23rd May 2002: David Haywood sent in a very preliminary driver for SNK's Main Event, which works otherwise but there is no graphics or sound emulation.

Romset: 174 kb / 23 files / 69.3 zip
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