Champion Boxing

Arcade 1984 Sega Sports Boxing
An early boxing game for champion.
Champion Boxing

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • SN76489 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 216
  • Frequency 59.922738 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Champion Boxing Screenshots

Champion Boxing - Screen 1
Champion Boxing - Screen 2
Champion Boxing - Screen 3
Champion Boxing - Screen 4
Champion Boxing - Screen 5

Champion Boxing and M.A.M.E.

0.68 [Tomasz Slanina]

Artwork available

- 0.144u6: hap fixed Champion Boxing unable to navigate Test Mode menu.
- 15th May 2011: Mr. Do - Nightvoice continues to churn them out. This time, he's vectored Champion Boxing bezel, scanned in by TrevEB.
- 0.132u5: Intel 8255A PPI (MESS Team): Added a new implementation of the I8255A device. Rewritten from scratch to properly support handshaking in modes 1 and 2. Refactored SG-1000a driver to use the new implementation.
- 0.132u1: Fabio Priuli fixed drivers using the TMS9928 (type of frameskip causes crash).
- 0.127u4: Curt Coder fixed refresh rate from 60 to 59.922747Hz and interrupts in SG-1000a driver, added 8255PPI and coin counter.
- 0.119u2: Sonikos cleaned up input ports in SG-1000 driver. Removed 2nd coin slot. Fixed dipswitches.
- 0.117: Zsolt Vasvari simplified code in TMS9928 video system.
- 0.116u2: Justin Kerk and Lord Nightmare updated Champion Boxing to correctly use the SN76489 instead of the SN76496, which was a later design.
- 0.111u5: Aaron Giles removed gross TMS9928a configuration in place of more standard techniques. Updates the SG-1000A driver accordingly.
- 0.111u4: R. Belmont fixed TMS9928 so it recalculates the pattern mask when its dependancies change so we don't end up in weird half-modes.
- 0.77u1: Fixes and updates from MESS to tms9928a.c [Nathan Woods].
- 0.68: Tomasz Slanina added Champion Boxing (Sega 1984).
- 8th March 2003: Tomasz Slanina sent in a driver for Sega SG-1000 based arcade hardware, supporting Champion Boxing and Champion Pro Wrestling.

LEVELS: 7 (endless)

Romset: 40 kb / 3 files / 20.4 zip
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