Jolly Jogger

Arcade 1982 Taito Corporation Maze Outline
It's a nice day to go jogging, and you feel like covering the whole city. So what could go wrong? Oh yeah, three bullies out to beat you up. Thankfully some blocks have things that scare them and allow you to knock them out.
Jolly Jogger

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 0
  • Kind of controler joy (4 ways)

Jolly Jogger Screenshots

Jolly Jogger - Screen 1
Jolly Jogger - Screen 2
Jolly Jogger - Screen 3
Jolly Jogger - Screen 4
Jolly Jogger - Screen 5

Scoring for Jolly Jogger

Running over each segment : 1 point
Surrounding a boxed-in area : 10 ponts
Surrounding a power box : 100 points
Bashing enemies : 300, 500, 700 points
Rack Finishing Bonus : time remaining on fuse

Jolly Jogger and M.A.M.E.

0.99u7 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

- To advance input tests, press Tilt button.

- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Jolly Jogger.
- 0.99u8: Pierpaolo Prazzoli fixed background color in Jolly Jogger.
- 0.99u7: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added Jolly Jogger (Taito 1982).
- 1st September 2005: Pierpaolo Prazzoli - Added colors to Jolly Jogger.
- 30th August 2005: Pierpaolo Prazzoli - Jolly Jogger (Taito 1982) uses a Galaxian-like hardware with an additional 3bpp bitmap. I think it's missing a color prom, that's why colors are wrong.
- 17th June 2005: Guru - Jolly Jogger arrived from Japan.

LEVELS: 4 (endless)

Romset: 44 kb / 13 files / 22.3 zip
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