Fast Lane

Arcade 1987 Konami Maze Driving
In this driving/maze game, you control a vehicle who must drive through the entire maze to progress. There is another vehicle who tries to stop you so to aid your progress, you must drive through the beach ladies in order to gain power-ups which you can use on the other vehicle. These power-ups are as follows :
JUMP - Allows you to either jump over the other vehicle or jump on top of it.
SHOOT - Allows you to fire a bullet at the other vehicle.
ATTACK - Allows you to charge into the other vehicle.
? - Can either be Option which fires forwards or Line which shoots vertically. Both also help you complete the maze.
FLASH - Allows you to stun the other vehicle from any distance.
Fast Lane

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  • maincpu HD6309 (@ 12 Mhz)
  • K007232 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • K007232 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 59.17 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Fast Lane Screenshots

Fast Lane - Screen 1
Fast Lane - Screen 2
Fast Lane - Screen 3
Fast Lane - Screen 4
Fast Lane - Screen 5

Fast Lane and M.A.M.E.

0.36b13 [Manuel Abadia]

- 0.147u3: Corrado Tomaselli verified Fast Lane clocks. Changed VSync to 59.17 Hz.
- 0.144u7: Kanikani updated Fast Lane dipswitches.
- 0.142u3: Angelo Salese fixed protection read-back registers 0x07 and 0x0e / 0x0f in K051733 math chip. Made K051733 RNG to behave like an adder, improves pseudo-random events in Fast Lane.
- 0.139u2: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs in Fast Lane (after verification of the HD6309 code). Added dipswitches 'Cabinet', 'Demo Music' and 'Upright Controls'.
- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Fast Lane. Added device versions of all the Konami custom ICs currently emulated in machine\konamiic.c and video\konamiic.c. Updated Fast Lane driver to use the new code.
- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in Fast Lane.
- 0.127u1: ShimaPong fixed random function of Fast Lane (K051733 in video\konamiic.c), which doesn't work well and always gives a "no bonus".
- 0.122u8: Zsolt Vasvari removed colortables from Fast Lane and a number of other drivers, as part of a larger move to phase out old-style colortables. Changed palettesize to 16384 colors.
- 0.122u7: Changed HD6309 CPU1 clock speed to 12MHz.
- 0.113u1: Added 'Difficulty' dipswitch.
- 0.113: Canim and Machone added 'Continue' dipswitch to Fast Lane. Added 2nd coin slot.
- 0.61: Acho A. Tang fixed collision detection in Fast Lane.
- 23rd June 2002: Acho A. Tang fixed a few graphics glitches in Fast Lane.
- 0.37b12: Added prom ($0 - 256 bytes).
- 5th February 2001: Nicola Salmoria added the proper color PROMs to the Fast Lane driver.
- 2nd September 2000: Nicola Salmoria fixed a 6309 bug which affected Fast Lane.
- 0.36RC1: Changed visible area to 224x280.
- 0.36b13: Manuel Abadia added Fast Lane (Konami 1987). Not playable due to protection.
- 26th December 1999: Manuel Abadia sent in a driver for Fast Lane, but it isn't playable because of the K051733 protection.

LEVELS: 25 (endless)

Romset: 1249 kb / 6 files / 579.5 zip
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