DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou Kan ( 怒首領蜂最大往生完 ) ArcadeHD Mode B-S Superplay Mix Extra

DJ Incompetent Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. An experiment in modernizing retro game soundtracks.

This is a scoring superplay to complement my usual survival superplay. The player is OOKAMI 573LOVE. This replay uses Hikari on Shot style.

Hibachi Clear, Final Score: 15,058,287,441


Title | Brian LeBarton - Threshold (8bit)

Hisou | Scott Bradlee & Post Modern Jukebox - Thrift Shop (Bart & Baker Electro Swing Remix)
Suzaku | Jurassic 5 - Swing Set
Victory | Gabin - Doo Uap, Doo Uap, Doo Uap

Raisou | Underground Resistance - Jupiter Jazz
Byakko | Jeff Mills - The Bells
Victory | Robert Hood - Home

IGS Scion | David Minnick - I Can't Forget the Sea (Snoop Dogg Remix)
Genbu | Captain Dan & The Scurvy Crew - Rap Like a Pirate
Victory | Lazy Town - You Are a Pirate

Shingaku | DJ Shadow - Circular Logic (Front to Back)
Seiryu | Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out
Victory | Dan Deacon - Snookered

Saikou, Raisou, Hisou | Dan Deacon - Snookered
Kouryu | Paul Elstak - Code Red (Mainframe Remix)
Hibachi | Dyprax & Angerfist - The Pearly Gates
Ending | Umphrey's McNES - Bright Lights Big City

-DJ Incompetent
Drink & Fly Shooting Team
9 vue(s)
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