Perfect Billiard

Arcade 1987 Nihon System Sports Pool
An overhead billiards.
Perfect Billiard

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 3 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 3 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 3 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 59.410646 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Perfect Billiard

Perfect Billiard - Screen 1
Perfect Billiard - Screen 2
Perfect Billiard - Screen 3
Perfect Billiard - Screen 4
Perfect Billiard - Screen 5

Les clones de Perfect Billiard

Perfect Billiard et M.A.M.E.

0.63 [Nicola Salmoria]

- 0.113u3: Nicola Salmoria added proper MC8123 decryption code and MC-8123B 317-0030.key to clone Perfect Billiard - Game now playable. Changed description of clone 'Perfect Billiard (Sega)' to 'Perfect Billiard (MC-8123, 317-0030)'.
- 0.105u4: Sonikos fixed colors and music tempo in Perfect Billiard. Swapped gfx2 roms ($2000, 4000).
- 18th February 2005: Guru - Perfect Billiard (?) arrived from Japan.
- 0.70u5: Inigo Luja fixed dips in Perfect Billiard. Added dipswitches 'Balls', 'Bonus Ball', 'Allow continue', 'Shot', 'Coin A/B' and 'Unused'.
- 0.63: Nicola Salmoria added Perfect Billiard (Nihon System 1987) and clone (Sega) (encrypted).
- 28th December 2002: Nicola Salmoria added Perfect Billiard to the Free Kick driver.

LEVELS: 31 (endless)

Romset: 138 kb / 15 files / 55.5 zip
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