Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)

Arcade 1982 Exidy / First Star Software Shooter Field
Arcades conversion. For more information about the gale itself, please refer to the original Atari 8-Bits version entry.
Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu M6502 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • mcu M68705 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • pokey POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 225
  • Fréquence 59.923329 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 4
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle
    1. joy (8 ways)
    2. joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)

Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) - Screen 1
Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) - Screen 2
Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) - Screen 3
Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) - Screen 4
Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) - Screen 5

Si vous avez aimé Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)

Vous aimerez peut-être :

Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) et M.A.M.E.

0.88u4 [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

- The sky differs between a 32bit and 64bit build. Firewave (ID 03334)

- 0.123u1: Atari Ace fixed fatal error in Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex).
- 0.88u4: Mariusz Wojcieszek added Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex) (Exidy / First Star Software 1982).
- 8th November 2004: Mariusz Wojcieszek - Wrote a driver for the Max-A-Flex system (Atari 600XL). Four titles have appeared on this platform officially only.

Romset: 16 kb / 1 files / 9.53 zip
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