Mahjong Angel Kiss

Arcade 1995 Jaleco Tabletop Mahjong *Mature*
An adult mahjong game, Mahjong Angel Kiss is unique in that it features quite a few animated strip sequences per girl, instead of the standard three or four. Also unique is that the game does not give a set amount of betting funds for each girl, because of this the player cannot progress quicker through the game by depleting the girl's funds and must play a match for every strip sequence.
Mahjong Angel Kiss

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  • maincpu V70 (@ 20 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • YMF271 (@ 16 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 0
  • Type de contrôle mahjong

Screenshots de Mahjong Angel Kiss

Mahjong Angel Kiss - Screen 1
Mahjong Angel Kiss - Screen 2
Mahjong Angel Kiss - Screen 3
Mahjong Angel Kiss - Screen 4
Mahjong Angel Kiss - Screen 5

Mahjong Angel Kiss et M.A.M.E.

0.77u1 [David Haywood]

< Japan >

- 0.120u4: Sonikos fixed dipswitches in Mahjong Angel Kiss. Fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch. Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.98u2: Mamesick fixed wrong mapped input. Removed 2nd coin slot.
- 0.97u4: Aaron Giles fixed V60 SBR handling to ignore the low 12 bits. This fixes Angel Kiss crash/exit when you lose and your score drops to zero or less.
- 0.77u1: David Haywood added Mahjong Angel Kiss (Jaleco 1995). No sound.
- 18th November 2003: David Haywood added Mahjong Angel Kiss to the Jaleco Mega System 32 driver.
- 3rd November 2003: Guru - Angel Kiss (Jaleco Megasys32) arrived with the donation of several people and MAMEWorld.

LEVELS: 18 (6 x 3)

Romset: 27392 kb / 18 files / 12.1 zip
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