X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
Back when Magneto and Juggernaut were boss characters, ten X-Men characters fought to challenge them!
Télécharger X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
Contenu de la ROM :
- maincpu 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
- audiocpu Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
- Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Résolution 255 x 224
- Fréquence 59.629403 Hz
- Nombre de joueurs 2
- Nombre de boutons 6
- Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)
Les clones de X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941217)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941219)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941222)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 950105)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (USA 950105)
Si vous avez aimé X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
Vous aimerez peut-être :
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En voir plus
Tips sur X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version)
* Play as Akuma (Player 1) : Highlight Spiral and wait 3 seconds, then move without stopping through : Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red and stop on Silver Samurai. Wait 3 seconds there and press and hold : LK+HP+HK.
* Play as Akuma (Player 2) : Highlight Storm and wait 3 seconds, then move without stopping through : Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman, the Sentinel, Omega Red, Wolverine, Psylocke, Silver Samurai and stop on Spiral. Wait 3 seconds there, then press and hold : LK+HP+HK.
* Play as Juggernaut (Player 1 and 2) : Input Akuma code, then after the battle press Up/Left TWICE and you should see Juggernaut's face.
* Play against Akuma : You must use 'manual block' and win every match without continuing. Defeat your opponents two rounds in a row (don't lose a round), having 'first attack' on each round. You must also win the final round of each battle with your Hyper-X.
* Continue Attacking : Press Start immediately after winning the match to continue hitting the defeated character.
* Play as Akuma (Player 2) : Highlight Storm and wait 3 seconds, then move without stopping through : Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman, the Sentinel, Omega Red, Wolverine, Psylocke, Silver Samurai and stop on Spiral. Wait 3 seconds there, then press and hold : LK+HP+HK.
* Play as Juggernaut (Player 1 and 2) : Input Akuma code, then after the battle press Up/Left TWICE and you should see Juggernaut's face.
* Play against Akuma : You must use 'manual block' and win every match without continuing. Defeat your opponents two rounds in a row (don't lose a round), having 'first attack' on each round. You must also win the final round of each battle with your Hyper-X.
* Continue Attacking : Press Start immediately after winning the match to continue hitting the defeated character.
En voir plus
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version) et M.A.M.E.
0.56 [Razoola, Dr. MAD]
0.37b12 [Paul Leaman]
0.36b3 [?]
Artwork available
- xmcotah: Original PCB running through an RGB board and into my PC. It's about 8 minutes of attract mode. Smitdogg (ID 03917)
- 0.139u4: Razoola added X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105). Renamed (xmcotaa) to (xmcotaar1).
- 0.138u4: Razoola fixed clones (Hispanic 950331) and (Hispanic 950105) roms.
- 0.138u3: gregf corrected the release order for the X-Men: Cota (Hispanic) sets.
- 0.138: Ranger_Lennier, Tormod, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone 'X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)'. Renamed (xmcotah) to (xmcotahr1).
- 0.136u4: Razoola added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 950105). Renamed (xmcotaj2) to (xmcotaj3), (xmcotaj1) to (xmcotaj2) and (xmcotaj) to (xmcotaj1).
- 0.128u4: MAMEPlus added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg).
- 0.124u1: Nicola Salmoria fixed qsound screen color.
- 0.118u5: Nicola Salmoria added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941222). Renamed (xmcotaj1) to (xmcotaj2) and (xmcotaj) to (xmcotaj1).
- 0.112u2: Added CPS2 key to clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331).
- 0.111u3: Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria replaced CPS2 CHD with preliminary decryption function.
- 0.110u4: Removed old 'handcrafted' XOR roms.
- 0.110u3: Added raw decryption table CHD.
- 0.62: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217).
- 7th August 2002: Razoola - Released XOR 97 for X-Men COTA (Asia 941217) donated by Dr. MAD.
- 0.57: Added user1 XOR roms to X-Men COTA - Game now playable. Changed description to 'X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)'.
- 14th November 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 68 for X-Men COTA (Euro 950105) donated by Dr. MAD.
- 0.56: Added X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro xxxxxx). Renamed (xmcota) to (xmcotau).
- 0.53: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331).
- 7th June 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 38 for X-Men COTA (Japan 941208 rent version) donated by Walk.
- 0.37b15: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version).
- 0.37b13: Replaced cpu1 roms ($180000, 300000) with new dumps and added missing roms ($400000, 480000).
- 26th February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 16 for X-Men COTA (USA 950105) donated by Will.
- 0.37b12: Paul Leaman added X-Men: Children of the Atom (US 950105) (Capcom 1994) and clones (Japan 941217) and (Japan 941219).
- 3rd February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 9 for X-Men COTA (941217) dumped by Team Japump.
- 1st February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 6 for X-Men COTA (941219) donated by anonymous.
- 0.36b3: Added X-Men Children of the Atom (USA) (Testdriver).
Other Emulators:
* Calice
* FB Alpha
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Raine
Romset: 41216 kb / 20 files / 18.1 zip
0.37b12 [Paul Leaman]
0.36b3 [?]
Artwork available
- xmcotah: Original PCB running through an RGB board and into my PC. It's about 8 minutes of attract mode. Smitdogg (ID 03917)
- 0.139u4: Razoola added X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105). Renamed (xmcotaa) to (xmcotaar1).
- 0.138u4: Razoola fixed clones (Hispanic 950331) and (Hispanic 950105) roms.
- 0.138u3: gregf corrected the release order for the X-Men: Cota (Hispanic) sets.
- 0.138: Ranger_Lennier, Tormod, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone 'X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)'. Renamed (xmcotah) to (xmcotahr1).
- 0.136u4: Razoola added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 950105). Renamed (xmcotaj2) to (xmcotaj3), (xmcotaj1) to (xmcotaj2) and (xmcotaj) to (xmcotaj1).
- 0.128u4: MAMEPlus added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg).
- 0.124u1: Nicola Salmoria fixed qsound screen color.
- 0.118u5: Nicola Salmoria added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941222). Renamed (xmcotaj1) to (xmcotaj2) and (xmcotaj) to (xmcotaj1).
- 0.112u2: Added CPS2 key to clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331).
- 0.111u3: Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria replaced CPS2 CHD with preliminary decryption function.
- 0.110u4: Removed old 'handcrafted' XOR roms.
- 0.110u3: Added raw decryption table CHD.
- 0.62: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217).
- 7th August 2002: Razoola - Released XOR 97 for X-Men COTA (Asia 941217) donated by Dr. MAD.
- 0.57: Added user1 XOR roms to X-Men COTA - Game now playable. Changed description to 'X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105)'.
- 14th November 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 68 for X-Men COTA (Euro 950105) donated by Dr. MAD.
- 0.56: Added X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro xxxxxx). Renamed (xmcota) to (xmcotau).
- 0.53: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950331).
- 7th June 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 38 for X-Men COTA (Japan 941208 rent version) donated by Walk.
- 0.37b15: Added clone X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version).
- 0.37b13: Replaced cpu1 roms ($180000, 300000) with new dumps and added missing roms ($400000, 480000).
- 26th February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 16 for X-Men COTA (USA 950105) donated by Will.
- 0.37b12: Paul Leaman added X-Men: Children of the Atom (US 950105) (Capcom 1994) and clones (Japan 941217) and (Japan 941219).
- 3rd February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 9 for X-Men COTA (941217) dumped by Team Japump.
- 1st February 2001: Razoola - Released XOR 6 for X-Men COTA (941219) donated by anonymous.
- 0.36b3: Added X-Men Children of the Atom (USA) (Testdriver).
Other Emulators:
* Calice
* FB Alpha
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Raine
Romset: 41216 kb / 20 files / 18.1 zip