Les vidéos les mieux notées

Dogyuun - 1st Loop Clear 40:18

Dogyuun - 1st Loop Clear

jammaplay - 7 vue(s)
Dogyuun - 1st Loop Clear by Ruldra
Radiant Silvergun - Practice Stage Replay 01:03

Radiant Silvergun - Practice Stage Replay

jammaplay - 5 vue(s)
Radiant Silvergun - Practice Stage Replay by BenShinobi
Shinobi - Highscorerun 44:36

Shinobi - Highscorerun

jammaplay - 10 vue(s)
Shinobi - Highscorerun by JUL
Espgaluda - Arrange Mode Superplay Chihiro 27:30

Espgaluda - Arrange Mode Superplay Chihiro

jammaplay - 8 vue(s)
Espgaluda - Arrange Mode Superplay Chihiro by SIN
Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear 29:46

Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear

jammaplay - 25 vue(s)
Mushihimesama - Arrange Mode All Clear by MrMonkeyMan
Gradius V - 58 04:32

Gradius V - 58

jammaplay - 4 vue(s)
Gradius V - 58 by Shinya
Aero Fighters 2 - Stage7 No Miss 00:24

Aero Fighters 2 - Stage7 No Miss

jammaplay - 16 vue(s)
Aero Fighters 2 - Stage7 No Miss by HyRyu
Gradius Rebirth (グラディウス リバース) 1LC Loop 3 Superplay Mix 21:42

Gradius Rebirth (グラディウス リバース) 1LC Loop 3 Superplay Mix

DJ Incompetent - 12 vue(s)
Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. An experiment in modernizing retro game soundtracks. Very Hard mode is the equivalent to Loop 3. Loop 3 is the equivalent to beating the game a bunch of times and the difficulty spirals into suicide bullet balls hard. Using Type E powerup set. Type E is unlocked by beating the game a few times or it's a pity-prize for failing oh so very much. Gradius Rebirth is Wiiware for Nintendo Wii. 1LC = 1 Life Clear = No Miss Superplay Mixes Discography http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t=20959 Tracklist: Title (Proof of Options) | State of Bengal - Flight IC408 Prestage 1 | The Avalanches - Since I Left You Stage 1 | The Winstons - Amen My Brother Preboss 1 | Ram Jam - Black Betty Big Core mk1 | Rhythm Heritage - Blockbuster Prestage 2 | DJ Hixxy & Sharkey - Toytown Stage 2 | Boards of Canada - Gyroscope Preboss 2 | Squarepusher - The Modern Bass Guitar Big Eye | DJ Tron - I'm Going to Hell Prestage 3 | Mastgrr + Lazy Town vs Lil' Jon - Cumstained Cake Stage 3 | DJ Earworm + Coldplay - United States of Pop 2008 (or Viva La Pop) Preboss 3 | Iggy Pop + Will Smith + Ozzy Osborne + AC/DC - Lust for Black Trains and Nod Big Moai | Pendulum + Metallica vs. Led Zepplin - Mashup Minimix 7-25-08 Prestage 4 | Cut Chemist - Motivational Speaker Stage 4 | DJ Miss Lisa - Blister in the Sun Preboss 4 | DJ Flash + Pitbull - Calle Ocho (Electro House Remix) Big Core mk2 | Santa Esmeralda - Flamenco Diablo Prestage 5 | DJ Venom - Another Vengabond Intro Stage 5 | PPK - Insurrection Big Core Wall | LA Style - James Brown is Dead Final Stage & Brain | Bill Cotti + DJ Junk - Going the Distance (Remix) -DJ Incompetent Drink & Fly Shooting Team
Gradius V - Stage11 No Option 05:11

Gradius V - Stage11 No Option

jammaplay - 7 vue(s)
Gradius V - Stage11 No Option by BenShinobi
Armed Police BatRider - Advanced Course 108mil ALL 27:35

Armed Police BatRider - Advanced Course 108mil ALL

jammaplay - 13 vue(s)
Armed Police BatRider - Advanced Course 108mil ALL by Icarus


Spelunky! - Single Segment 353 05:04

Spelunky! - Single Segment 353

jammaplay - 7 vue(s)
Spelunky! - Single Segment 353 by moozooh
R-Type Final - Level2 Very Hard 03:34

R-Type Final - Level2 Very Hard

jammaplay - 11 vue(s)
R-Type Final - Level2 Very Hard by Zerstorung
Outrun (ou le concept du camion qui roule à 220) 05:10

Outrun (ou le concept du camion qui roule à 220)

LA GLOBULE - 14 vue(s)
Une petite pièce pour ce jeu qui fait partie de mes toutes premières expériences en jeu d'arcade. C'était il y'a 25 ans environ dans un vieux bar enfumé tout miteux, sur une upright. Inoubliable :) PS : pas évident de gérer tout cela au clavier :)
KOF 97 spécial chopes 22:36

KOF 97 spécial chopes

Yace - 3 vue(s)
Clark, Shermie & Goro pour un festival de chopes !
[One Life] G-Darius Zones ACGMU 24:56

[One Life] G-Darius Zones ACGMU

lerebours - 3 vue(s)
Partie réalisé sur la compilation Taito Legends II.
Super  Aleste Wild Counter Stop 07:59

Super Aleste Wild Counter Stop

Yace - 16 vue(s)
Record absolu sur ce jeu !
Thunder Hoop 1life by BOS 29:47

Thunder Hoop 1life by BOS

BOS - 4 vue(s)
Thunder Hoop 1life by BOS
The Red Star ( 赤色星 ) No Damage S-Rank Superplay Mix (Chapters 1-8) 01:06:01

The Red Star ( 赤色星 ) No Damage S-Rank Superplay Mix (Chapters 1-8)

DJ Incompetent - 6 vue(s)
Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. Red Star reviews have compared this Playstation 2 & PSP title to essentially every video game ever made. So, I have mixed the entire game BGM from essentially every video game ever made. No Miss = No damage to the lifebar Superplay Mixes Discography http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t=20959 Tracklist: Our Final Defense Chapter 1 | Beyond Good & Evil [Aurora, destructo, SGX] – Frame of Mind (OC Remix) Kiselev Aggressor | Streets of Rage [Yuzo Koshiro] – Big Boss Chapter 1 | Gun.Smoke [K. Praslowicz] – Smoking Guns of Liberation (OC Remix) Kiselev Aggressor 2.0 | Streets of Rage 2 [Yuzo Koshiro] – Boss (Never Return Alive) Heavy Guardsman | Namco X Capcom (Street Fighter 2) [Alfh Lyra, Yoko Shimomura] – Ryu’s Stage Victory | Final Fight 3 [Capcom Sound Team] – Free & Clear Intermission | Marvel vs. Capcom [Yuko Takehara, Masato Kouda] – Player Select Air Superiority Chapter 2 | Marvel vs. Capcom [Yuko Takehara, Masato Kouda] – Player Select Kiselev Aggressor 3.0 | Streets of Rage 3 [Yuzo Koshiro, Motohiro Kawashima] – Boss Victory | Gunstar Heroes [Kazuo Hanzawa] – All Clear Intermission | Blades of Steel – Halftime Reflections of Revolution Chapter 3 | Diablo II [Matt Uelmen] – Rogue Blue Steel | Megaman 5 [Mari] – Boss (Arrange) Chapter 3 | F-Zero [Yumiko Kanki, Naoto Ishida] – Death Wind Kontrawall I | Wild Arms 4 [Masato Kouda, Michiko Naruke, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Ryuta Suzuki] – Nightmare Spiral Chapter 3 | Donkey Kong Country 2 [Scott Peeples] – Ghost of St. Helens (OC Remix) Magnum | Megaman 2 [Yuukichan's Papa, Ogeretsu Kun, Manami Ietel] – Boss (Arrange) Victory & Intermission | Final Soldier – Caravan Stars (Arrange) Metropolitan Glory Chapter 4 | Final Fantasy Tactics [Masaharu Iwata, Hitoshi Sakamoto] – Run Past Through The Plain (Field) Katinka X4 | Radiant Silvergun [Hitoshi Sakamoto] – Space Battle Ship 130 33ki Chapter 4 | Chrono Cross [Moabi] – Intro Demo Katinka X16 | Ikaruga [Hiroshi Iuchi] – Butsutekkai Victory & Intermission | Arkanoid [Chris Abbott] – 1999 (2000 OC Remix) Bridge to Our Past Chapter 5 | Fire Shark [Masahiro Yuge] – From the Sun to Me (Stage 5) Psychocannons | Half-Life 2 [Kelly Bailey] – untitled Chapter 5 | Ikari Warriors [Jason Brooke] – megamix Kypernodome v1.5707 | Darius Gaiden [Hisayoshi Ogura] – Burst Out (Arrange) Chapter 5 | Ninja Spirit [Steve Hasler] – Theme From Butsuzo (Stage 1) Psychocannons | Half-Life 1 [Kelly Bailey] – Adrenaline Horror Chapter 5 | Dogyuun!! [Tatsuya Uemura] – Gumusharizuma Sentry | Thunder Force V [Tsukumo Hyakutarou] – The Justice Ray (Part 2) Victory | Musha Aleste [Toshiaki Sakoda] – Round Clear Intermission | Golden Axe [Nankyoku, Decky, Imocky] – Old Map Station to Station Chapter 6 | Blaster Master [Taysiir] – T1 Blasta Party (OC Remix) Zlobina Railcarriage | Gyakuten Saiban 1 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) [Masakazu Sugimori] – Promotional Image Soundtracks Chapter 6 | Journey to Silius [Mellogear] – Going Home (OC Remix) Zolbina Engine | Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations) [Masakazu Sugimori] – Special Blend Mix Victory & Intermission | Psyvariar 2 [Tetsuro Sato, Misako Sekiguchi, Yuki Yoshino, Takashi Egawano, Kazumine Tsushima] – Stage Clear Industry Will Set Us Free Chapter 7 | Command & Conquer [Frank Klepacki] – March to Doom Nameless Rush | Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner [Toshiyuki Kakuta] – Leo! Leo! Chapter 7 | Tetrisphere [Neil Voss] – Complaint Confuse Psycho Crusher AC-0 | Resident Evil 0 [Ichiro Kohmoto, Riyou Kinugasa, Ryoue Takagi, Shingo Kataoka, Ayumu Murai, Takashi Honda, Seiko Kobuchi] – Boss Battle Chapter 7 | Radirgy [Kou Hayashi] – Finale (Last Boss) Kontrawall II | Wild Arms 3 [Michiko Naruke] – Crossfire Sequence Kontrawall III | Wild Arms 2 [Michiko Naruke] – Battle vs. Lord Blazer Kontrawall IV | Wild Arms Alter Code:F [Michiko Naruke] – Destruction of All Creation (Arrange) Chapter 7 | Killer 7 [Masafumi Takada, Jun Fukuda] – Rave On Victory | Strider 1 [Junko Tamitani] – Stage Clear Intermission | Disgaia 1 [Tenpei Sato] – Laharl (Sama no Sanbiku) Means of Destruction Hydra Superkrawl | Star Fox 64 [Koji Kondo, Hajimi Wakai] – Multiplayer Battle (Remix) Victory & Intermission | Strikers 1945 II [Scitron] – In the Name of Strikers -DJ Incompetent Drink & Fly Shooting Team
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