DDP Arrange 478M to Hibachi 1

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Castlevania Bloodlines - No Miss 45:59

Castlevania Bloodlines - No Miss

jammaplay - 6 view(s)
Castlevania Bloodlines - No Miss
Ketsui Death Label - Extra Mode 204mill 05:16

Ketsui Death Label - Extra Mode 204mill

jammaplay - 10 view(s)
Ketsui Death Label - Extra Mode 204mill by MrMonkeyMan
KOF 96 Edit team 32:39

KOF 96 Edit team

Yace - 4 view(s)
ALL w/Clark, Mature & Choi. Killer team !
kikcubic 10:52
Pulstar - No Miss Stage5 04:01

Pulstar - No Miss Stage5

jammaplay - 5 view(s)
Pulstar - No Miss Stage5 by ExMosquito
BLEED ( ブリード ) Wryn Challenge Mode 3x3 Boss Rush Superplay Mix Extra 07:35

BLEED ( ブリード ) Wryn Challenge Mode 3x3 Boss Rush Superplay Mix Extra

DJ Incompetent - 7 view(s)
Hand picked VGM mixed to the SFX. Using default Wryn character, default uzis, and White weapons. Challenge Mode lets players fight three bosses simultaneously. I'm killin' all nine available. Give twinstick controls to Gunstar Heroes or Contra 3, then take stage ideas from Megaman 2 and Gradius 5, and ya got Bleed. It is by Bootdisk Revolution for 360 and PC. Tracklist: Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Bubble Core, Gibby&Stu, & Chopper Core | Battle Garegga + Armed Police Batrider [Manabu Namiki] - Stab and Stomp! Victory | Megaman X (Irregular Hunter X) [Yuko Takehara, Yuki Iwai, Setsuo Yamamoto, Toshihiko Horiyama, Makoto Tomozawa] - Stage Clear Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Laser Bots, Bunny Rockitt, & Battalion | Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games [SEGA Sound Team] - Koopa's Road Victory | Contra 1 [Hidenori Maezawa] - Stage Clear Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Rival, Guppy, & White mkII | NieR [Keiichi Okabe] - Shadowlord's Castle Roar Victory | Gunstar Heroes [Kazuo Hanzawa] - Stage Clear -DJ Incompetent Drink & Fly Shooting Team
Espgaluda - Training 4 - Last Boss (22M) 26:06

Espgaluda - Training 4 - Last Boss (22M)

LA GLOBULE - 8 view(s)
En démarrant cette partie, je ne pensais pas arriver aussi loin dans le jeu avec autant de vies. Et ne m'étant jamais vraiment entraîné sur les patterns de la deuxième transformation du boss, je me suis retrouvé très vite en mauvaise posture :/ En tout cas, je touche le 1CC du bout du clavier :)
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