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Gradius III - Round1 All Clear And Digest 57:19

Gradius III - Round1 All Clear And Digest

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Gradius III - Round1 All Clear And Digest by BGR44
Altered Beast - No Miss Complete Run 12:25

Altered Beast - No Miss Complete Run

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Altered Beast - No Miss Complete Run by BenShinobi
Maten Doji - No Damage Complete 22:38

Maten Doji - No Damage Complete

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Maten Doji - No Damage Complete by Nanassy
Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou - 11 Full Chain No Hyper! 02:48
Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage8 05:45

Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage8

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Gradius Gaiden - Loop8 Stage8 by BGR44
Pulstar - No Miss Stage8 Final Stage 08:42

Pulstar - No Miss Stage8 Final Stage

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Pulstar - No Miss Stage8 Final Stage by ExMosquito
Gradius V - Road To Vic Viper Promo Video B 00:51

Gradius V - Road To Vic Viper Promo Video B

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Gradius V - Road To Vic Viper Promo Video B by VARIOUS
Raiden - Loop1 No Miss 37:50

Raiden - Loop1 No Miss

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Raiden - Loop1 No Miss by BenShinobi
Under Defeat - 2nd Loop Clear 27:57

Under Defeat - 2nd Loop Clear

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Under Defeat - 2nd Loop Clear by Alamone


Dangun Feveron - Time Attack 25M Points CKDF 04:02

Dangun Feveron - Time Attack 25M Points CKDF

jammaplay - 16 view(s)
Dangun Feveron - Time Attack 25M Points CKDF by KDKTAKEYUKI
Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter1 03:12

Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter1

jammaplay - 9 view(s)
Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter1 by RNA
Dragon Blaze REAL INSANITY 15:40
[1CC] MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original 23:30

[1CC] MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original

LA GLOBULE - 15 view(s)
Le jeu est facile, le score est pitoyable (j'ai joué contre le rank), de nombreuses fautes, mais cela fait du bien de voir qu'avec la trentaine passée et un peu d'entrainement, et bien on arrive encore à finir un jeu :) On va essayer de sortir un score potable pour le prochain replay :) PS : la vitesse des boulettes sur le boss 3 me parait démesurée sur MAME comparée à ce que je peux voir sur le net : les ralentissements seraient ils mal gérés ?
Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET 02:39

Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET
In The Hunt - All Clear Demonstration 40:27

In The Hunt - All Clear Demonstration

jammaplay - 11 view(s)
In The Hunt - All Clear Demonstration by Kiken
R-Type III - No Miss Normal 34:01

R-Type III - No Miss Normal

jammaplay - 13 view(s)
R-Type III - No Miss Normal by Kiken
Ikaruga - Arcade Normal Chapter2 04:18

Ikaruga - Arcade Normal Chapter2

jammaplay - 5 view(s)
Ikaruga - Arcade Normal Chapter2 by KTR
Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET 02:39

Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET

jammaplay - 7 view(s)
Shikigamino Shiro III - TGARET
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