Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)

Arcade 1987 Sega Driving Race (chase view) Bike
For this sequel to the superb 1985 original, Sega introduced the hilly, undulating roads that had been executed so superbly in 1986's "Out Run". The already fantastic game-play was further enhanced with the introduction of the 'turbo' : upon reaching the bike's maximum speed, players could press and hold the turbo button and push the bike to a breathtaking speed - something that was necessary to beat the game's extremely tight time limits. This had to be used judiciously, however, as the increase in speed made the bike harder to control and accelerating at the wrong time would invariably see a head-on collision with the many road-side objects that litter the stages.

Players could chose to race on any one of Super Hang-on's four courses: Africa, Asia, America and Europe. Africa is the easiest and shortest of the 4, with each subsequent course becoming both more demanding
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)

Partager Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)


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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • subcpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • soundcpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • Sega PCM (@ 4 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60.054389 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler
    1. paddle
    2. paddle

Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) Screenshots

Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) - Screen 1
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) - Screen 2
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) - Screen 3
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) - Screen 4
Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) - Screen 5

Clones of Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)

Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected) and M.A.M.E.

0.36b2 [Andrew Prime]

Artwork available

* Wanted: 317-0039/0044 FD1089 CPUs

- 0.139u1: Smitdogg changed description of clone 'Super Hang-On (Japan, FD1094 317-0038)' to 'Super Hang-On (ride-on, Japan, FD1094 317-0038)' and year info to 1987.
- 18th May 2010: Guru - I just repaired a Sega Super Hang On that had a working FD1089 (I removed it anyway and converted it to a non-FD version). So there's hope that the undumped FD10** games are still alive.
- 0.136u2: Fixed [debug] access violation in clones shangonrb and shangonro.
- 0.135u4: Tafoid fixed incorrect master clock in Super Hang-On and clones. Changed clock speeds of the 2x 68000 to 10MHz.
- 0.134u4: The Dumping Union added clone Super Hang-On (Japan, FD1094 317-0038). Changed description of clone 'Super Hang-On (Hang-On upgrade, bootleg)' to 'Super Hang-On (bootleg)'. Renamed (shangupb) to (shangonrb).
- 22nd October 2009: Smitdogg - Thanks to keshbach, Tormod, ANY, Team Japump, and others, we got a rare version of Super Hang-On with an FD1094. It doesn't have the "Super Throttle", you can reach max speed without it, so it plays more like regular Hang-On.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (shangnle) to (shangonle).
- 0.127u1: Atari Ace moved FD1089 decryption keys to external files. Added 317-0034.key to clones Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, FD1089B 317-0034), (mini ride-on, Rev A, FD1089B 317-0034) and (mini ride-on?, FD1089B 317-0034).
- 26th November 2006: Mr. Do - Super Hang-On artwork has been "optimized" by Ad_Enuff.
- 8th October 2006: Mr. Do - Added the sit-down bezel version of Super Hang-On, thanks to pics from Guru.
- 26th August 2006: Mr. Do - Added Super Hang-On bezel from and Mean Arena. Some of these decent stuff are so-so; some are REALLY good.
- 0.107u2: Changed description to 'Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)' and clones '(set 1, FD1089B 317-0034)' to '(mini ride-on?, FD1089B 317-0034)', '(set 2, FD1089B 317-0034)' to '(mini ride-on, Rev A, FD1089B 317-0034)' and '(set 3, FD1089B 317-0034)' to '(sitdown/upright, FD1089B 317-0034)'. Removed buttons 2 and 3.
- 0.94u2: Changed 68000 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 12.5MHz.
- 0.92u1: Nicola Salmoria and Charles MacDonald added complete FD1089B 317-0034 table to Super Hang-On.
- 0.92: Changed '(set 2, 68000)' to parent 'Super Hang-On (set 4, 68000)', '(set 3, FD1089B 317-0034)' to '(set 2, FD1089B 317-0034)' and '(set 4, FD1089B 317-0034)' to '(set 3, FD1089B 317-0034)'. Renamed (shangon) to (shangon1), (shangona) to (shangon), (shangonb) to (shangon2) and (shangonc) to (shangon3).
- 0.90u4: Nicola Salmoria and Charles MacDonald improved the FD1089 decryption logic and added more data to the Super Hang-On FD1089B 317-0034 table. Added 6844 zoom-table dump to clone 'Super Hang-On (Hang-On upgrade, bootleg)'.
- 0.90u3: Aaron Giles added clones Super Hang-On (set 3, FD1089B 317-0034) and (set 4, FD1089B 317-0034). Aaron Giles renamed shangonb to shangupb to indicate it is an upgrade bootleg and added Gerald's latest Super Hang On sets as shangonb and shangonc. Changed description to 'Super Hang-On (set 1, FD1089B 317-0034)' and clones '(alt)' to '(set 2, 68000)', '(bootleg)' to '(Hang-On upgrade, bootleg)' and 'Super Hang-On Limited Edition' to 'Limited Edition Hang-On'. Renamed (shangonb) to (shangupb).
- 0.90u1: Aaron Giles makes Super Hang-On (alt) and 'Super Hang-On Limited Edition' playable. Fixed rom loading and changed palettesize to 12288 colors.
- 0.84u5: Replaced Stick controller with Paddle.
- 0.79: Brian Troha added clones Super Hang-On (alt) and Super Hang-On Limited Edition. Fixed rom names and added cpu2 rom ($18000) and cpu3 ($20000) to Super Hang-On.
- 24th January 2004: Brian Troha added 'Super Hang On Limited Edition' and another version of Super Hang On to the Outrun driver, but neither of them work.
- 0.36b3: Changed Paddle input to Stick.
- 0.36b2: Andrew Prime added Super Hang-On (Sega 1992) and clone (bootleg).
- 3rd August 1999: Andrew Prime sent in a huge System 16 driver update, with Hang-On graphics fixed and working drivers for Bay Route, Outrun, Space Harrier and Super Hang-On.
- 16th December 1997: Thierry dumped Super Hang-On (Hang-On upgrade, bootleg). Board provided by Gerald Coy.

LEVELS: 6 - 10 - 14 - 18 (africa - asia - america - europe)

Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* System 16

Romset: 1824 kb / 25 files / 637.1 zip
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