Astro Wars

Arcade 1980 Zaccaria / Zelco Shooter Gallery
Player steers fighter craft and fires missiles and endeavors to eliminate attacking forces. Each stage of the game becomes more difficult, with each fighter craft moving closer into the battle.
Astro Wars

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  • maincpu S2650 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • S2636
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 240 x 240
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (2 ways)

Astro Wars Screenshots

Astro Wars - Screen 1
Astro Wars - Screen 2
Astro Wars - Screen 3
Astro Wars - Screen 4
Astro Wars - Screen 5

Astro Wars and M.A.M.E.

0.127 [MASH]

- 0.145u6: Converted Galaxia driver to use MAME tilemap and added Astro Wars bullets. Improved colors and hooked up CVS stars circuit. Fixed out of bounds array access during Astro Wars boot [hap].
- 0.145u5: Some work on Galaxia collision detection, seems very similar to CVS. Astro Wars does not have a prom. Promoted game to working state [hap]. Changed visible area to 240x240. Added dipswitches 'UNK04' - 'UNK17'.
- 0.139u3: Fabio Priuli fixed severe graphic corruption in Astro Wars.
- 0.139u2: Mariusz Wojcieszek added sound support to Signetics S2636 (by using VC4000 sound support from MESS). Hooked up sound to Astro Wars.
- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli fixed all sets in drivers using S2636 video chip.
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli converted Signetics 2636 video chip to be a MAME device and updated drivers using it accordingly.
- 0.130u1: Robbbert added inputs for Astro Wars. Note: After inserting a coin, it can take a few seconds to respond. Added 2-way Joystick, 1x button and 2x coin slots for 2 PLayer. Added dipswitches 'Freeze', 'Coinage' and 'Lives'.
- 0.129u5: Angelo Salese corrected gfx bitplane for Astro Wars.
- 0.127u2: Oliver Stoenberg added the missing SHA1 checksums to Astro Wars.
- 0.127: MASH added Astro Wars (Zaccaria 1980).
- 7th December 1998: Peter Davies dumped Astro Wars (1980). Board No. 1B1130/1.

Romset: 12 kb / 12 files / 10.8 zip
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