Hana Yayoi (Japan)
A hanafuda game with a sexy Japanese opponent!
Télécharger Hana Yayoi (Japan)
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu Z80 (@ 5 Mhz)
- YM2203 (@ 2 Mhz)
- MSM5205 (@ 0 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Resolution 255 x 255
- Frequency 60 Hz
- Number of players 1
- Number of buttons 0
- Kind of controler
- mahjong
- mahjong
Clones of Hana Yayoi (Japan)
Hana Yayoi (Japan) and M.A.M.E.
0.66 [Nicola Salmoria]
< Japan >
- When you win in visual (nudity) mode, the hand which is breaking the paper blind moves too much fast. J.J.Boy (ID 00488)
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Hnayayoi driver.
- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in the Hnayayoi driver.
- 0.66: Nicola Salmoria added Hana Yayoi (Japan) (Dyna 1987) and clone Hana Fubuki [BET] (Japan).
- 20th February 2003: Nicola Salmoria sent in a driver for Hana Yayoi, Hana Fubuki and Untouchable.
Romset: 289 kb / 12 files / 144.1 zip
< Japan >
- When you win in visual (nudity) mode, the hand which is breaking the paper blind moves too much fast. J.J.Boy (ID 00488)
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Hnayayoi driver.
- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in the Hnayayoi driver.
- 0.66: Nicola Salmoria added Hana Yayoi (Japan) (Dyna 1987) and clone Hana Fubuki [BET] (Japan).
- 20th February 2003: Nicola Salmoria sent in a driver for Hana Yayoi, Hana Fubuki and Untouchable.
Romset: 289 kb / 12 files / 144.1 zip