A clone of Sega's "Columns", released in 1990.
Télécharger Hexa
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu Z80 (@ 6 Mhz)
- AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Resolution 255 x 224
- Frequency 60 Hz
- Number of players 1
- Number of buttons 2
- Kind of controler joy (4 ways)
Hexa and M.A.M.E.
0.33b3 [Howie Cohen]
- 0.135u4: Tafoid added DIP locations as well as assigned XTAL for the clock speeds to Hexa, using those from Arkanoid, since the boards are nearly identical in many aspects. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 6MHz.
- 0.135u1: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save state support to Hexa.
- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in Hexa.
- 0.126u5: Guru added README for Hexa.
- 6th June 2006: Guru - Hexa (D.R. Korea 199?) arrived from Korea today (different music). Thanks to GP-Lee.
- 0.34b3: Juan Carlos Lorente added high score saving to Hexa.
- 0.34b1: Added color proms ($0, 100, 200).
- 0.33b3: Howie Cohen added Hexa (D. R. Korea).
- 18th April 1998: Dumped Hexa (Dr.Korea, 1990).
Other Emulators:
* CottAGE
* FB Alpha
* JEmu2
LEVELS: 1 (endless)
Romset: 161 kb / 8 files / 60.7 zip
- 0.135u4: Tafoid added DIP locations as well as assigned XTAL for the clock speeds to Hexa, using those from Arkanoid, since the boards are nearly identical in many aspects. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 6MHz.
- 0.135u1: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save state support to Hexa.
- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in Hexa.
- 0.126u5: Guru added README for Hexa.
- 6th June 2006: Guru - Hexa (D.R. Korea 199?) arrived from Korea today (different music). Thanks to GP-Lee.
- 0.34b3: Juan Carlos Lorente added high score saving to Hexa.
- 0.34b1: Added color proms ($0, 100, 200).
- 0.33b3: Howie Cohen added Hexa (D. R. Korea).
- 18th April 1998: Dumped Hexa (Dr.Korea, 1990).
Other Emulators:
* CottAGE
* FB Alpha
* JEmu2
LEVELS: 1 (endless)
Romset: 161 kb / 8 files / 60.7 zip