Select the correct letters to spell the secret word. Choose an incorrect letter and a part of the man's body is revealed. When the whole body is revealed, the man is hung and you lose the game.
Télécharger Hangman
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu 8085A (@ 12 Mhz)
- AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
- Orientation Yoko
- Resolution 255 x 240
- Frequency 59.992284 Hz
- Number of players 1
- Number of buttons 5
Hangman and M.A.M.E.
0.84 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
- 0.131: Changed 8085A CPU1 clock speed to 12440000 Hz, AY-3-8910A to 1555000 Hz and visible area to 320x240 and VSync to 59.992284 Hz. Added hangman.nv (256 bytes) NVRAM.
- 0.129: MooglyGuy added savestate support to Hangman.
- 0.108u1: Wolfi added missing 'Keep High Scores' dipswitch to Hangman.
- 0.85u1: Stefan Jokisch fixed the colors in Hangman. Changed palettesize from 16 to 8 colors.
- 0.84: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added Hangman (Status Games 1984).
- 8th June 2004: Pierpaolo Prazzoli - Added Hangman (Status 1984).
Romset: 105 kb / 16 files / 49.9 zip
- 0.131: Changed 8085A CPU1 clock speed to 12440000 Hz, AY-3-8910A to 1555000 Hz and visible area to 320x240 and VSync to 59.992284 Hz. Added hangman.nv (256 bytes) NVRAM.
- 0.129: MooglyGuy added savestate support to Hangman.
- 0.108u1: Wolfi added missing 'Keep High Scores' dipswitch to Hangman.
- 0.85u1: Stefan Jokisch fixed the colors in Hangman. Changed palettesize from 16 to 8 colors.
- 0.84: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added Hangman (Status Games 1984).
- 8th June 2004: Pierpaolo Prazzoli - Added Hangman (Status 1984).
Romset: 105 kb / 16 files / 49.9 zip