The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - ザ・フリントストーンズ The Treasure of Sierra Madrock

Super Nintendo 1994 Taito
The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock is a side scrolling action video game by Taito for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The story of the game is generally based on the 1960s The Flintstones cartoon series.

In the opening story of the game, the Water Buffalos' leader decides to retire. As his last decree as Great Poobah, he makes a contest in which whoever finds the Treasure of Sierra Madrock will be his successor. In the game, Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble must find the treasure before any other Buffalo member (or even their wives, Wilma and Betty). The game features passwords that must be written down in order to continue the game from the highest level reached.

The game itself first involves a world map representing a themed set of worlds. Rolling the dice results in either Fred or Barney moving to the appropriate space on the board. Depending on the landed space, the player must clear a level in that particular world, defeat bosses, or enter shops, among other things. On some zones, Wilma and Betty appear and if any one of them manage to meet their respective husband, she will drag him some spaces back to an arbitrary location. Moving the players in the game is similar to playing a Japanese sugoroku board game.

The levels themselves are simple platformer segments. In these segments, the characters must traverse from left to right (and sometimes right to left), while avoiding hazards and defeating dinosaurs, Water Buffalo members or other creatures. In order to defeat enemies, Fred and Barney use a wood club. There is an overall difficulty level of "medium" to the game; providing frequent breaks from the low-difficulty horizontal scrolling action stages with mini-games that have a high level of difficulty. There are also powerups such as brontoburger (energy) and clams (in-game currency). In a few cases, a powerup is a trap in which the Cavemouse appears, being followed by Dino. Unlike the TV show, Dino actually hurts the player if he is hit by him.

The earlier zones in the game can only be cleared by first defeating specific Water Buffalo members (most of which appeared at some point in the cartoon series) by winning them in a race located at a stadium. Races use the game's RAM to simulate variables like forward speed, leaning angle, maximum terrain speed, and vertical speed. These events must be found as their items are crucial to the success of the quest. If any character go to the stadium, the race can be practiced. The person who operates the racing mini-game will give an item to both Fred and Barney after defeating him, so that they can go the next world.

The types of worlds involved include Bedrock, Snowrock (an ice world), and Magmarock (a fire world), amongst other worlds present in the game. Within each world are mini-game challenges that allow players to experience the diversity of that world.
The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn)

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 5A22 (@ 21 Mhz)
  • soundcpu SPC700 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • SNES Custom DSP (SPC700)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 225
  • Frequency 60.098476 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 6
  • Kind of controler
    1. joy (8 ways)
    2. joy (8 ways)
    3. joy (8 ways)
© Copyright author(s) of Wikipedia. This article is under CC-BY-SA

The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) Screenshots

The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - Screen 1
The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - Screen 2
The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - Screen 3
The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - Screen 4
The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn) - Screen 5

Clones of The Flintstones - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (Jpn)


A prototype version dumped as a ROM image is almost identical to the completed version of the game, but there is a lot of slowdown. Admission to the various scattered amusement parks is more expensive in the prototype version as opposed to the finished product. Fred Flintstone (and his counterpart Barney Rubble) runs at half speed with the timer running at an identical speed to the final version of the game. This means time can easily run out at any stage of the game; resulting in lives being lost.

There are 35 soundtracks in the unfinished version of the game; which is basically the 21 soundtracks of the released version (with some repeating soundtracks and some blank soundtracks).
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