The best rated videos

Darius Gaiden 21:39

Darius Gaiden

Yace - 7 view(s)
1CC en dilettante avec autofire.
tengai 2-5 17:19

tengai 2-5

BOS - 1 view(s)
tengai 2-5
KOF 97 spécial chopes 22:36

KOF 97 spécial chopes

Yace - 3 view(s)
Clark, Shermie & Goro pour un festival de chopes !
Asterix All +  loop 2 Stage 4 part 2/3 23:09

Asterix All + loop 2 Stage 4 part 2/3

goji' - 16 view(s)
One credit sur Asterix arcade. Run réalisé en difficulté arcade par défaut. Une fois terminé, le jeu repart du début en difficulté maximale.
Asterix All + loop 2 Stage 4 part 3/3 17:56

Asterix All + loop 2 Stage 4 part 3/3

goji' - 10 view(s)
One credit sur Asterix arcade. Run réalisé en difficulté arcade par défaut. Une fois terminé, le jeu repart du début en difficulté maximale.
Outrun - Fin E 06:52

Outrun - Fin E

LA GLOBULE - 22 view(s)
Cinématique E de la fin du jeu.
Outrun - Fin D 06:54

Outrun - Fin D

LA GLOBULE - 21 view(s)
Cinématique D de la fin du jeu.
Altered Beast MD / 2 loop clear 27:29

Altered Beast MD / 2 loop clear

Yace - 6 view(s)
Un classique de la MD et de l'arcade.
[One life] Raycrisis / WR-01 / Map 28 18:27

[One life] Raycrisis / WR-01 / Map 28

lerebours - 3 view(s)
Partie réalisée sur le portage PS1. Score : 11 410 040 pts.
MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original 17:43

MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original

LA GLOBULE - 3 view(s)
Une partie "découverte" du jeu, complètement "free style". Je n'avais jamais secoué le stick au delà du stage 2 avant cette partie. Le jeu semble avoir une phase de progression intéressante. C'est joli, bruitages sympa :) Bref, je pense passer du temps sur ce jeu. Ils sont chiants chez cave n’empêche. Avec leur marketing, ils arrivent à nous vendre du danmaku à la pelle et on en redemande :/


Altered Beast MD / 2 loop clear 27:29

Altered Beast MD / 2 loop clear

Yace - 6 view(s)
Un classique de la MD et de l'arcade.
BLEED ( ブリード ) Wryn Challenge Mode 3x3 Boss Rush Superplay Mix Extra 07:35

BLEED ( ブリード ) Wryn Challenge Mode 3x3 Boss Rush Superplay Mix Extra

DJ Incompetent - 7 view(s)
Hand picked VGM mixed to the SFX. Using default Wryn character, default uzis, and White weapons. Challenge Mode lets players fight three bosses simultaneously. I'm killin' all nine available. Give twinstick controls to Gunstar Heroes or Contra 3, then take stage ideas from Megaman 2 and Gradius 5, and ya got Bleed. It is by Bootdisk Revolution for 360 and PC. Tracklist: Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Bubble Core, Gibby&Stu, & Chopper Core | Battle Garegga + Armed Police Batrider [Manabu Namiki] - Stab and Stomp! Victory | Megaman X (Irregular Hunter X) [Yuko Takehara, Yuki Iwai, Setsuo Yamamoto, Toshihiko Horiyama, Makoto Tomozawa] - Stage Clear Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Laser Bots, Bunny Rockitt, & Battalion | Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games [SEGA Sound Team] - Koopa's Road Victory | Contra 1 [Hidenori Maezawa] - Stage Clear Selection | Capcom vs. SNK 2 [Satoshi Ise] – Story Demo 2 vs. Rival, Guppy, & White mkII | NieR [Keiichi Okabe] - Shadowlord's Castle Roar Victory | Gunstar Heroes [Kazuo Hanzawa] - Stage Clear -DJ Incompetent Drink & Fly Shooting Team
Sengoku - Stage7 01:34

Sengoku - Stage7

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Sengoku - Stage7 by Kiken
Gradius V - Stage47 Part3 Loop4 00:52

Gradius V - Stage47 Part3 Loop4

jammaplay - 9 view(s)
Gradius V - Stage47 Part3 Loop4 by BenShinobi
Layer Section - All Clear 51M 29:52

Layer Section - All Clear 51M

jammaplay - 4 view(s)
Layer Section - All Clear 51M by BenShinobi
Ray Crisis - ALL Clear 16:35

Ray Crisis - ALL Clear

jammaplay - 12 view(s)
Ray Crisis - ALL Clear by KRSTTR
Strikers 1999 - Thanatos Boss Battle 00:52

Strikers 1999 - Thanatos Boss Battle

jammaplay - 8 view(s)
Strikers 1999 - Thanatos Boss Battle
Megaman The Power Battle ( ロックマン・ザ・パワーバトル ) No Damage Buster Only Superplay Mix 11:28

Megaman The Power Battle ( ロックマン・ザ・パワーバトル ) No Damage Buster Only Superplay Mix

DJ Incompetent - 8 view(s)
Hand picked BGM mixed to the SFX. An experiment in modernizing retro game soundtracks. This capture is from PS2 version of Anniversary Collection. The game unlocks after you beat all the things... -or just Needle Man and Dust Man. Superplay Mixes Discography Tracklist: Opening Intro (Title & Player Select) | Rickbass21 - TV Theme Metalized Stage Select | Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue Boss Intro | Cryogenik - Boss Intro Napalmman | The Offspring - Come Out and Play Clear Select | Reel Big Fish - A Little Doubt Goes a Long Way Boss Intro | tibone - Boss Intro Magnetman | DJ Shadow - Thunder Kick Clear Select | Cut Chemist - What's the Altitude Boss Intro | XementoXex - Boss Intro Geminiman | Blue Man Group - Cat Video Clear Select | Weird Al Yankovic - I Think I'm a Clone Now Boss Intro | Jimmy (JY) - Boss Intro Gyroman | Kevin Energy - Power in the Light Clear Select | Paul Van Dyke - Castle in the Sky Boss Intro | The Minibosses - Boss Intro Dustman | MC Lars - Hot Topic is Not Punk Rock Clear Select | Funk Headz - Guitar Groovez Boss Intro | DJ Incompetent - Boss Intro Plantman | The Streets - Turn the Page Clear | Boards of Canada - Beware the Friendly Stranger Wily Castle Intro | Solar Rain - Light & Shadow Yellow Devil | Kamelot - When the Lights Are Down Clear | Outblast - Bombs Over Bagdad Wily Castle Intro | Outblast - Bombs Over Bagdad Wily Machine | Angerfist - Hard!!! Final Boss Countdown | Masters of Rave - 340BPM Speedcore Victory | Christopher Aaby - Stage Clear[excerpt] Ending & Credits | Oxenman - Okkusenman (Hardcore Mix with ゴム ~) -DJ Incompetent Drink & Fly Shooting Team
Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter3 04:29

Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter3

jammaplay - 13 view(s)
Ikaruga - Arcade Hard Chapter3 by RNA
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